Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 553-560.

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Secure-base Priming of Attachment System and Its Brain Mechanism

GUO Wei, CHEN Xu, YANG Nan   

  1. Research Center of Mental Health Education and Institute of Educational Sciences of Southwest University, Chongqing 400715
  • Online:2011-09-15 Published:2011-09-15

Abstract: In recent years,secure-base priming of attachment system has become a significant empirical method for deepening and expanding attachment theory.Secure-base priming can improve mood and emotion regulation strategies,promote interpersonal relationships,self-actualization and increase altruistic tendency of insecurely attached subjects,especially.By means of secure-base priming and its effect,researchers had the chance of examining the neural basis of adult attachment and mother-infant attachment and their difference and connection. This article also analyzed some defects of secure-base priming,such as not optimal ecological validity,not high rates of secure-base priming effect's recurrence,limit of this method's application fields,lack of studying on the persistence problem of secure-base priming effect.In the future,the development tendency of secure-base priming should break through the shortcomings of laboratory experiment,broaden this method's application domains and enhance the exploration of secure-base priming effect's mental mechanism and neural mechanisms,etc.

Key words: attachment priming, secure-base priming, effect, brain mechanism

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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