Psychological Development and Education ›› 2010, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 282-287.

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The Influence of Social Support, Learning View and Self-efficacy on Middle School Students’ Learning Subjective Well-being

SONG Ling-qing1, LIU Ru-de1, LI Yu-huan2, GAO Zhen-hua1, LI Wen-jun1   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Department of Education, Liaocheng University, Shandong 252059
  • Online:2010-05-15 Published:2010-05-15

Abstract: A survey using a cluster sampling of 469 middle school students across three grades was conducted to examine the relationship among social support,learning view,self-efficacy and learning subjective well-being.Results showed as follows:(1) The general tendency of middle school students'learning subjective well-being was above medium.There was no difference between sexes.Differences existed among schools and grades.Students from non-key-school had lower learning subjective well-being than those from the key-school.Learning subjective well-being gradually decreased with the higher grades.Grade-three students had the lowest learning subjective wellbeing.(2) After controlling the demographic variables,social support and learning view,self-efficacy was significantly related to learning subjective well-being.; among the three variables of interest,self-efficacy had the strongest impact on learning subjective well-being.(3) Social support had direct and indirect influences on students'learning subjective well-being.Moreover,the relationship between social support and learning subjective well-being was mediated by learning view and self-efficacy.

Key words: learning subjective well-being, social support, learning view, self-efficacy, middle school students

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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