Psychological Development and Education ›› 2010, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 81-86.

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Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes towards Online Versus Face-to-Face Counseling

CUI Li-xia1, LEI Li2, LIU Ya-nan1   

  1. 1. Psychology Department of Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037;
    2. Institute of Psychology, Renmin University of China 100872
  • Online:2010-01-15 Published:2010-01-15

Abstract: The objective of this study was to study undergraduates' attitudes towards online versus face-to-face counseling and accelerate their changes.The researchers sent 603 questionnaire packets including four scales to five universities to investigate the undergraduate Students' attitudes towards online versus face-to-face counseling to examined the influence of gender,grades,experience(ever counseling or never),and personal p sychological variables(stigma,social anxiety,and self-concealment) on these two kinds of attitudes.The results were that attitudes towards face-to-face counseling were better than that towards online counseling,but two scales of attitudes towards online counseling were above neutral evaluaton.At the same time the stigma,self-concealment and communicationapprehension could predict attitude towards face-to-face counseling,but they could not predict attitudes towards online counseling.They concluded that online counseling could alleviate risk factors and promote students' asking help behaviors.

Key words: counseling, online counseling, attitude, undergraduates

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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