Psychological Development and Education ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 710-718.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.05.12

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The Relationship between Academic Achievement, Popularity and Aggressive Behavior of Adolescents: A Cross-lagged Analysis

REN Ping1, SONG Zijing1, MENG Xiaozhe1, QIN Xingna1,2, ZHANG Yunyun1   

  1. 1. Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Department of Sociology, University of Groningen, Groningen 9712TS, The Netherlands
  • Published:2021-09-23

Abstract: China attaches great importance to the education of teenagers, and their studies have been paid a lot of attention by the family and the society, which has formed the main melody of their life. Academic achievement not only influences social development, but is also influenced by them. The current study aimed to explore the relationship of academic achievement, popularity, and aggressive behavior among 1283 junior high school students (Mage=13.43 years old, SD=0.65 years old, 47.7% were girls). Peer nomination and standardized test were used through the cross-lagged design of one-year longitudinal survey. The results showed that:(1) T1~T2, academic achievement mutually positively predicted popularity; (2) T1~T3, academic achievement negatively predicted later aggressive behavior among boys, but only significant among girls from T1 to T2, and during that time, boys had a stronger predictive effect than girls; (3) T1~T2, there were positive bidirectional relationships between academic achievement and popularity, but the coefficient was smaller when popularity predicted academic achievement. The results of this study revealed that there was a complex interaction between adolescents' academic achievement, popularity and aggressive behavior, and this effect varied with gender and time. The results show important significance for the promotion of individual development of adolescents.

Key words: adolescents, popularity, academic achievement, aggressive behavior, cross-lagged analysis

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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