Psychological Development and Education ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 587-594.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.05.09

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The Relationship Between Social Support and Posttraumatic Growth:The Mediated Role of State Hope and Positive Reappraisal

ZHOU Xiao1,2, WU Xinchun1, WANG Wenchao1, TIAN Yuxin1   

  1. 1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
    2. School of Social Work, I-Core Research Center for Mass Trauma, Tel Aviv University 69978, Israel
  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2017-09-15

Abstract: The current study aimed to examine the mediating roles of hope and reappraisal in the relation between social support and posttraumatic growth (PTG). Three hundred and seventy-nine adolescents participated in this study 2.5 years after the Ya'an earthquake. The participants were asked to report on the traumatic exposure questionnaire, the social support questionnaire, the state hope inventory, the cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire, and the posttraumatic growth inventory. We built structural equation models to examine the mediating roles of hope and positive reappraisal in the relation between social support and PTG. The results showed that social support had a direct and positive effect on PTG. However, the direct effect became non-significant when hope and positive reappraisal were added into the relation between social support and PTG. In addition, we found that social support indirectly exerted positive effects on PTG by hope and positive reappraisal, respectively. More importantly, social support had a multiple mediating effect on PTG by hope via positive reappraisal.

Key words: adolescents, social support, hope, positive reappraisal, PTG

CLC Number: 

  • B844

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