心理发展与教育 ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 9-14.

• 认知与社会性发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


吕凯1, 桑标2, 吴玲玲3   

  1. 1. 江南大学教育学院, 无锡, 214122;
    2. 华东师范大学心理系, 上海, 200062;
    3. 中国福利会托儿所, 上海, 200040
  • 出版日期:2008-07-15 发布日期:2008-07-15
  • 作者简介:吕凯,男,江南大学教育学院讲师.E-mail:jndxlk@tom.com.

Research on the Development of Preschooler’s Ability Judgement

LV Kai1, SANG Biao2, WU Ling-ling3   

  1. 1. School of Education, Jiannan University, Wuxi 214122;
    2. Department of Psychology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062;
    3. China Welfare Institute Nursery, Shanghai 200040
  • Online:2008-07-15 Published:2008-07-15

摘要: 本研究以62名3~6岁儿童为被试,考察了幼儿在不同任务中对自身和他人能力判断的发展特点。结果表明:(1)幼儿对自身或他人能力判断的准确性随着年龄的增长而提高;(2)幼儿对他人能力判断并不比对自身能力判断更准确,随着年龄的增长,幼儿开始对自身能力做出更加积极的判断;(3)幼儿能够明确区分愿望与预期,不过当幼儿对自身能力进行判断时这种区分不容易显现出来。

关键词: 幼儿, 能力判断, 动作任务, 记忆任务

Abstract: This study investigated the developmental trend of preschoolers judgement toward their own and others' abilities.Ss were 62 preschoolers between 3 and 6 who were all native Chinese from a kindergarten in Shanghai.They partic ipated in two tasks,that was,psychomotor task and memory task in which they were asked to predict their own and other children performance under different situations.The results demonstrated that the accuracy of preschoolers prediction toward their own or others' performance increases with age in both tasks and this development accelerates at about four.Preschoolers' judgement toward others abilities is not always more accurate than that toward their own.However,with the age increased,preschoolers tend to make more positive judgement toward their own abilities than toward others'.Most of the preschoolers can distinguish between expectation and wish though such distinguishment is hard to be detected when they are asked to make judgement toward their own abilities.

Key words: Preschooler, ability judgement, psychomotor task, memory task


  • B844.1
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