心理发展与教育 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 178-185.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.04

• 认知与社会性发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


张和颐, 洪秀敏   

  1. 北京师范大学教育学部, 北京 100875
  • 发布日期:2022-03-24
  • 通讯作者: 洪秀敏 E-mail:xiuminhong@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Family Cognitive Environment and Development in 0~3 Year Olds: A Moderated Mediation Model

ZHANG Heyi, HONG Xiumin   

  1. Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Published:2022-03-24

摘要: 本研究以5914名0~3岁婴幼儿家长为问卷调查对象,考察了家庭认知环境、入托经历、努力控制对0~3岁婴幼儿发展的影响机制。研究发现:(1)婴幼儿努力控制在家庭认知环境与婴幼儿发展中具有中介效应,即家庭认知环境通过作用于努力控制而对婴幼儿发展产生影响;(2)婴幼儿是否入托在“家庭认知环境→努力控制→婴幼儿发展”这一中介路径的前半段中具有调节作用,当婴幼儿有入托经历时,家庭认知环境对婴幼儿努力控制的影响更大。

关键词: 0~3岁婴幼儿, 婴幼儿发展, 家庭认知环境, 努力控制, 入托经历

Abstract: The present study aimed to examine the mechanism by which family cognitive environment, early child care experiences, and effortful control influenced the development in 0~3 year olds. The study involved 5914 parents of 0~3 year olds, using questionnaires and scales for data collection. Two primary results emerged from the study:(1) Children's effortful control mediated the relationship between family cognitive environment and child developmental outcomes; (2) Children's early child care experiences moderated the mediating effect of effortful control on the relationship between family cognitive environment and child developmental outcomes. When children had early child care experiences, the effect of family environment on children's effortful control was stronger.

Key words: 0~3 year olds, infant and toddler development, family cognitive environment, effortful control, early child care experiences


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