心理发展与教育 ›› 2009, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2): 86-90,96.

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  1. 红河学院教师教育学院, 云南 蒙自 661100
  • 出版日期:2009-04-15 发布日期:2009-04-15
  • 通讯作者: 胡发稳,红河学院教师教育学院讲师,E-mail:hufw525@gmail.com. E-mail:hufw525@gmail.com
  • 基金资助:

The Relationship between Ethno-cultural Identity and School Life Satisfaction of Hani Elementary and High School Students

HU Fa-wen   

  1. College of Teacher's Education, Honghe University, Yunnan Mengzi 661100
  • Online:2009-04-15 Published:2009-04-15

摘要: 为考察哈尼族中学生文化认同特点及其与学校生活满意度的关系,采用哈尼族青少年学生文化认同问卷和青少年学校生活满意度评定问卷对621名哈尼族中学生施测。结果表明:(1)哈尼族中学生民族文化认同处于中等以上水平,其中族物喜好、民族接纳方面的认同较高,宗教信念、社会俗约的认同较低;在宗教信念、社会俗约、总问卷上,城乡学生的认同差异具有统计学意义,乡镇和农村学生之间无显著性差异;(2)哈尼族中学生文化认同存在年级差异,随年级递升呈下降变化趋势,不同维度表现出非平衡性发展特点,呈分化发展趋势;(3)哈尼族中学生的民族文化认同与学校生活满意度之间存在关联性,对学校生活满意度有显著的正向效用,其中民族接纳、社会俗约分别具有正向和负向预测作用。

关键词: 哈尼族, 中学生, 文化认同, 学校生活满意度

Abstract: To explore the characteristics of cultural identity and its relation to school life satisfaction for Hani elementary and high school students,Cultural Identity Questionnaire of Hani Adolescent Students (CIQHAS) and School Life Sat isfaction Rating Quest ionnaire for Adolescents were used to test 621 adolescent'students.The results are as follows:(1) Generally speaking,the score of ethno cultural ident ity was higher than median value for Hani adolescent'students,they have a stronger identification of ethnic things preference and racial acceptance than their traditional religious beliefs and social conventions.Family residence differences contributed to ethno cultural identity of Hani adolescent'students.There was stat ist ically significant difference in dimensions of religious belief,social convent ion and the total questionnaire among students who come from the country,town or rural areas; (2) their ethno cultural ident ity existed significant grade difference,and with the transference of grades,the development of their ethno cultural identity was in gradual decline,meanwhile,different dimensions of the quest ionnaire appeared the undulating and non equilibrium developmental tendency; (3) the degree of ethno cultural identity for Hani adolescent'students was relative to their school life satisfaction,and it had posit ive effects on the school life satisfaction.Additionally,the aspects of racial acceptance and social convention were positive or negative associated with their school life satisfaction respectively.

Key words: Hani minority, elementary and high school students, ethno-cultural identity, school life satisfact ion


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