心理发展与教育 ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 394-401.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.04.02

• 认知与社会性发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


梁宗保, 胡瑞, 张光珍, 邓慧华, 夏敏   

  1. 儿童发展与学习科学教育部重点实验室/东南大学儿童发展与教育研究所, 南京 210096
  • 出版日期:2016-07-15 发布日期:2016-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 梁宗保E-mail:liangzongbao225@163.com E-mail:liangzongbao225@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Bidirectional Relations between Maternal Meta-emotion Philosophy and Children's Social Adjustment among Preschoolers: A Longitudinal Study

LIANG Zongbao, HU Rui, ZHANG Guangzhen, DENG Huihua, XIA Min   

  1. Key Laboratory of Child Development and Learning Science, Institute of Child Development and Education, Southeast University, NanJing 210096, China
  • Online:2016-07-15 Published:2016-07-15

摘要: 采用追踪设计对438名学前儿童母亲进行问卷调查研究,主要探讨了母亲元情绪理念与学前儿童社会适应的相互作用关系。交叉滞后分析结果表明:(1)相邻两次测量的母亲各元情绪理念之间,社会适应各指标之间均具有中等程度的稳定性;(2)同一时间点的母亲各元情绪理念与儿童社会适应各指标之间均显著相关;(3)母亲元情绪理念与儿童社会适应之间部分存在着相互作用关系:控制了变量自身的连续性后,前测的母亲情绪教导显著正向预测后测的儿童敏感合作;前测的母亲情绪不干涉显著正向预测后测的儿童愤怒攻击、焦虑退缩行为;反过来,前测的儿童敏感合作能正向预测后测的母亲情绪教导,显著负向预测情绪不干涉、情绪摒除和情绪紊乱;前测的焦虑退缩能显著正向预测后测的母亲情绪摒除和情绪紊乱。

关键词: 学前儿童, 元情绪理念, 社会适应, 追踪研究

Abstract: Parental socialization of children's emotion has been paid increasing attention during the past decades.Parental meta-emotional philosophy has broad implications for the children's emotional well being and social behavior. Although existing studies indicated that parental meta-emotional philosophy significantly associated with children's social behavior, little was known about bidirectional relationship between them among Chinese preschoolers.This study examined longitudinally bidirectional relationship between maternal meta-emotional philosophy and preschool children's social adjustment. Participants in study were 438 mothers, reporting on their meta-emotional philosophy and their children's adjustment in a 2-wave longitudinal study over one year. Cross-lagged model was conducted to analyze the bidirectional relations between maternal meta-emotion philosophy and children's social adjustment. Results indicated that: (1) Maternal meta-emotional philosophy and children's social adjustment were moderately stable across two wave measurement. (2) Maternal meta-emotional philosophy was associated with children's social adjustment in same wave measurement. (3) The reciprocal influences were observed between maternal meta-emotion philosophy and children's social adjustment over time. Specifically, post-test sensitive-cooperative behavior in children was predicted by baseline maternal emotion coaching, emotion noninvolvement, and emotion-dysfunction, and children's sensitive-cooperative behavior was found promote posttest maternal emotion coaching. Angry-aggressive behavior and anxious-withdrawal behavior in children were predicted by baseline maternal emotion noninvolvement, and posttest maternal emotion dismissing and emotion-dysfunction were positively predicted by anxious-withdrawal behavior in child.

Key words: preschooler, meta-emotion philosophy, social adjustment, longitudinal study


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