心理发展与教育 ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 513-522.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.01

• 认知与社会性发展 •    下一篇


陈丽君1,2, 王欣1, 赵陵波1, 陈昕1, 王益文1,2   

  1. 1. 福州大学人文学院心理学系, 福建福州 350116;
    2. 福州大学心理与认知科学研究所, 福建福州 350116
  • 出版日期:2018-09-15 发布日期:2018-10-25
  • 通讯作者: 王益文,E-mail:wangeven@126.com E-mail:wangeven@126.com
  • 基金资助:

The Influence of Facial Dimorphism on Preschoolers'Trust: Explanation from the Perspective of Personality Label

CHEN Lijun1,2, WANG Xin1, ZHAO Lingbo1, CHEN Xin1, WANG Yiwen1,2   

  1. 1. Department of psychology, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Fuzhou University, Fujian, Fuzhou 350116;
    2. Institute of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Fuzhou University, Fujian, Fuzhou 350116
  • Online:2018-09-15 Published:2018-10-25

摘要: 面孔二态性是指成熟男性和女性经过青春期第二性征的发展后逐步形成了面孔上的性别特征,男性化与女性化是这一维度的两个水平。本研究探索面孔二态性是否会对学龄前儿童信任行为产生影响,并从幼儿对二态性面孔的人格标签角度来解释。实验1修订信任博弈任务(Trust game),考察学前儿童信任行为是否会因搭档面孔的二态性(男性化和女性化)而不同,经历负性反馈后被试在下轮游戏中信任选择率是否会下降;实验2让学前儿童选择人格形容词来描述不同性别化的面孔,探讨幼儿对不同二态性面孔是否已形成不同的人格标签。结果表明学前儿童对女性化面孔信任选择率最高;在遭遇负性反馈后的下一轮游戏中,幼儿对他人的信任率显著下降;学前儿童认为女性化面孔更具有积极人格,而更多将男性化面孔与消极人格词汇匹配。由此,二态性面孔影响学前儿童的信任行为,在于他们对二态性面孔已形成不同的人格标签。

关键词: 面孔二态性, 人格标签, 学前儿童, 信任博弈

Abstract: Sexual dimorphism in adult human faces reflect the masculinisation or feminisation of secondary sexual characteristics that occurs at puberty. This research aimed to explore if the facial dimorphism influence 4-6 years old children's trust, and used the personality label of dimorphic faces to explain preschooler's trust behaviors. In experiment 1, we revised Trust Game to explore whether the preschoolers trust was affected by the partner's facial dimorphism, and whether the trust rate decreased on the whole after encountering the negative feedback. In experiment 2, participants were asked to match the faces and the personality adjective words, This experiment aimed to confirm whether the preschoolers had different personality labels for dimorphic faces. The results showed that the preschool children had a highest rate of trust on the partners with feminine faces. If receiving negative feedback after choosing trust their partners, the preschoolers' trust rate significantly decreased in the next choice. Preschoolers tended to use the positive personality tag to understand the feminine faces and use negative words to explain the masculine faces. So, it can be concluded that Facial dimorphism affected children's trust, because they have formed the completely opposite personality label towards different dimorphic faces.

Key words: facial dimorphism, personality label, preschoolers, trust game


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