心理发展与教育 ›› 2009, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 9-14.

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张兰萍, 周晖   

  1. 中山大学心理学系, 广州510275
  • 出版日期:2009-07-15 发布日期:2009-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 周晖, 中山大学心理系讲师.E-mail:happyzhui@sina.com E-mail:happyzhui@sina.com

Development of Preschool Children’s Selective Trust Based on Judgments of Information——Its Continuity and Its Relationship with Interpersonal Trust

ZHANG Lan-ping, ZHOU Hui   

  1. Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhong, China 510275
  • Online:2009-07-15 Published:2009-07-15

摘要: 采用物品命名任务的模式, 对60名2岁、3岁、4岁幼儿的选择性信任进行研究。结果表明:(1)幼儿更信赖那些正确率高的信息传达者, 形成选择性的信任。这种选择性信任的认知能力在3岁左右出现, 并随着年龄的增长而增强, 4岁达到稳定。(2)选择性信任一旦形成, 就具有一定的稳定性和持续性, 即3岁以上的幼儿在不同时间不同地点再见到先前的信息传达者时, 依然能区分出他们。(3)基于信息判断的选择性信任可以迁移到人际信任的其他方面。

关键词: 选择性信任, 信任, 社会认知, 幼儿

Abstract: The current study examined whether preschool children could distinguish reliable/unreliable informants on the basis of the accuracy of their objects naming.Children joined in a game in which there were two informants.One of the informants labeled familiar things always rightly while the other always wrongly.After three trials of informants'objects labeling, children were asked to predict informants'following behavior according to their previous accuracy. Sixty children aged 2 to 4 participated the present study.Results indicated that:a)young children tended to trust accurate informant and formed selective trust since they were 3 year-old, and their selective trust became stable when they were 4 year 2old;b)Preschool children's selective trust tended to be stable across time and places;c)Selective trust based on judgments of accuracy of information could be transferred to interpersonal trust.

Key words: selective trust, trust, social cognition, preschool children


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