心理发展与教育 ›› 2002, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 1-5.

• 认知与社会性发展 •    下一篇


王美芳, 张文新   

  1. 山东师范大学教育科学学院, 济南250014
  • 出版日期:2002-04-15 发布日期:2002-04-15
  • 作者简介:王美芳(1967- ),女,山东师范大学教育科学学院,副研究员.
  • 基金资助:

Peer Relationships of Bullies, Victims and Bully/victims in Primary and Junior Middle Schools

WANG Mei-fang, ZHANG Wen-xin   

  1. School of Educational Science, Shandong Teachers' University, 250014
  • Online:2002-04-15 Published:2002-04-15

摘要: 采用Olweus欺负问卷和同伴提名测验,以1089名小学和初中学生为被试,考察欺负者、受欺负者与欺负-受欺负者的同伴关系特点.研究发现:(1)小学生的欺负者/受欺负者显著高于初中生;(2)男生中的期负者显著多于女生;(3)欺负者的同伴拒绝水平高于受欺负者、欺负-受欺负者和未参与者,但同伴接纳水平与未参与者无显著差异;(4)受欺负者、欺负-受欺负者的同伴拒绝水平高于、同伴接纳水平低于未参与者.在男性受欺负者中被拒绝的比例显著高于男性非受欺负者,但女性受欺负者中被拒绝的比例与女性非受欺负者之间无显著差异.

关键词: 期负, 同伴接纳, 同伴拒绝, 社交地位, 中小学生

Abstract: Bullies,victims,bully-victims and the not-involved were assigned to1089 primary and junior middleschool children by means of Olweus' Bully/victim Questionnaire.Children's peer acceptance,peer rejection andsocial status in the four groups were examined.It was found:(1) There were significant sex and grade differencesin the distribution of the four groups,with more boys classified as bullies but more girls as not-involved,and morechildren in primary schools involved in bullying than in junior middle schools.(2) Bullies had a highest score inpeer rejection and an average score in peer acceptance.(3) Victims and bully/victims had a higher score in peer rejection and a lower score in peer acceptance than not-involved children,however there existed sex differences in theassociation between victimization and social status,with male victims underrepresented in popular group,relative tomale non-victims,while female victims not.

Key words: bully, peer acceptance, peer rejection, social status, primary and middle school students


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