心理发展与教育 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 761-767.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.01

• 认知与社会性发展 •    下一篇


龙翼婷1, 姜英杰1, 缴润凯1,2   

  1. 1. 东北师范大学心理学院, 长春 130024;
    2. 教育部幼儿园园长培训中心, 长春 130024
  • 发布日期:2021-11-16
  • 通讯作者: 姜英杰 E-mail:jiangyj993@nenu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

The Impact of Encoding and Retrieval on Children's Development of Binding

LONG Yiting1, JIANG Yingjie1, JIAO Runkai1,2   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024;
    2. National Training Center for Kindergarten Principals, Ministry of Education, Changchun 130024
  • Published:2021-11-16

摘要: 将情景中的各要素绑定加工成连贯的关系结构,是形成情景记忆的核心过程。本研究使用图像配对联想学习任务,在测试阶段采用自由回忆、线索回忆和再认任务,考察了儿童二元和三元绑定能力的发展及其中编码和提取能力的影响。结果表明,绑定加工能力随年龄增长而提高,二元绑定比三元绑定的发展开始得更早。编码水平对两种绑定能力存在不同影响,5岁儿童已经具有成熟的编码信息进行二元绑定加工的能力;但三元绑定受限于编码缺陷,在6.5岁后才因相应编码能力的缓慢提高而得到少量发展。但在儿童期内,二元和三元绑定同时受到了提取能力发展的促进。

关键词: 情景记忆, 绑定加工, 提取, 编码, 配对联想学习

Abstract: It is the core process of episodic memory to bind various elements in the episodes into coherent relational structures. In order to explore the development of binding in children's episodic memory and the different contributions of encoding and retrieval processes to binding, the present study recruited children from 5 to 10.5 to complete a paired-associated image learning task and three tests in different retrieval difficulties (free recall, cue recall and recognition). Results indicated that children's binding performance improve with age, and two-way bindings develop earlier than three-way bindings. Encoding ability plays different roles on two-way and three-way bindings. Children since 5 years have mature encoding process for two-way bindings, while the encoding ability for three-way bindings is limited and improve slowly after 6.5. However, both two-way bindings and three-way bindings in childhood are promoted by the development of retrieval.

Key words: episodic memory, binding, retrieval, encoding, paired-associate learning


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