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    15 October 2006, Volume 22 Issue 4
    • A Study on the Development of Preschooler’s Deception and Deceptive Strategies
      LIU Xiu-li, CHE Wen-bo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  1-7. 
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      The purpose of the study was to explore the development of the preschooler's deception and deceptive strategies.We adopted the deceptive task of "finding the coins", the results showed that: (1) the number of the preschoolers who adopted the deceptive strategy of lying and the deceptive strategy of destroying proof decreased with age, and the number of the preschoolers who adopted four deceptive strategies increased with age.; (2) 3-year-old children showed both the deceptive strategy of lying and the deceptive strategy of destroying proof, but it was not until age 4 that the decept ive strategy of "making false mark" could be shown; (3) there was no significant correlation between understanding the false-belief and adopting the decept ive strategies for children aged 3 and 6, but there was a significant correlation between understanding the false-belief and adopting the deceptive strategies for children aged 4 and 5.
      The Development of Children’s Early Measurement Abilities
      ZHANG Hua, PANG Li-juan, HAN Xiao-yu, TAO Sha, DONG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  8-11. 
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      Direct comparison and nonstandard measurement are tc}o important components of measurement in early childhood.This study was to examine the characteristics of children's early measurement abilities with longitudinal design.92 3-yearold children participated in the longitudinal investigation.The results indicated:(1) both direct comparison measurement and nonstandard measurement increased rapidly,but the progress of nonstandard measurement was slower than that of direct comparison measurement;(2) the main effects of age and direct measurement's tasks and the interaction effect of them were significant,furthermore,the analyses of post hoc showed that the developmental level of weight comparison was lower than that of scale and length comparison;(3) the main effects of age and nonstandard measurement's task were significant,and the ability of measurement with a nonstandard unit was higher than the creation of nonstandard uint.
      Training Studies on Rule-based Causal Reasoning in Children Aged 3 to 4 Years
      GONG Yin-qing, LI Hong, SHENG Li-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  12-16. 
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      This experiment studied the internal mechanism of rule-based causal reasoning by training children aged 3 to 4 years in rule-based causal reasoning with a ramp apparatus with two input holes and two output holes.Results revealed that: (1) there was no significant interaction between age and training, the improved performances were not significantly different after training; (2) there was significant interaction between rule type and training.the improved performances were significant ly different between straight rule-based group reasoning and across rule-based reasoning group; (3) The results indicate that providing such redundant non-verbal cues as the ramp uncovered to reveal mechanical shunts, feedback and gesture can facilitate children' use of complex rule systems.
      5 to 6-Year-Old Children’s Strategies in Quantitative Comparison: Counting and Correspondence
      HU Qing-fen, CHEN Guang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  17-23. 
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      Using computer to present two sets of quantity, the experiment was conducted to investigate young children's ability and strategies to compare object collections.The design made it possible to determine every child's characteristic in using counting and correspondence to compare by their correctness and response time.The results were as follows: (1) Children were able to apply correspondence strategy to do comparison prior to making the same comparisons by counting; (2) Some children were reluctant to use counting strategy to do comparison even they could.
      The Influence of Central Executive of Working Memory on Children’s Arithmetical Cognitive Strategies
      WANG Ming-yi, CHEN Ying-he
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  24-28. 
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      The influence of central executive of working memory on arithmetic cognitive strategies of 113 children in primary 2 by using dual-task paradigm was explored.The results indicated that central executive affected select ively children's arithmetical cognitive strat egy selection.The influenced strategies included external, backup, guessing and quit.Strategy execution was also impaired by central execut ive disturbing.In simple additional problems, the effect of central executive showed in external and backup strategies.In complex problems, the effect was revealed in external and quit strategies.Whatever the problems were simple or complex, the execution of the strategies was impaired under the condition with a load on central executive.
      An Experimental Study on the Influence of Representation on the Resolving of Three Doors Problem
      WANG Bao-xi, XIANG Ling, ZHANG Qing-lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  29-34. 
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      By designing four treatments, the experiment studied the influence of representation on the resolving of the three doors problem and its transfer.The results indicated that: (1) there are several reasons that make the three doors problem hard such as regret, the illusion of control, the misrepresentation of the problem space, etc., but the misrepresentation is the most important reason; (2) clear representation of the logical relation between the contestant and the host is the key of resolving three doors problems.The frequent form representation based on logical logic relation representation enhances the resolution of three doors problems; (3) the participants who acquire the correct experience from frequent form representation can resolve the transfer whether it is similar in content or in structure.
      Research on the Condition of Accessibility of Goal information in Long-term Memory in Text Reading
      LENG Ying, MO Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  35-43. 
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      Moving window display technique and recognition probes technique were used to investigate the mechanism of accessibility of goal information in long-term memory in teat reading in 138 college students.Experiment 1 designed the uncompleted subgoal condition and the completed subgoal condition,with which the authors tested whether the goal-focus primed the integration of the goal information in readers' long-term mermry.The result showed that the reading time of Target sentence 2 was longer in the completed condition than that in the uncompleted condition.The result suggested the Target sentence 1 severed as signal primed the accessibility of goal information in long-term mermry.Experiment 2 and 3 explored whether the accessibility of the goal information was spontaneous or not.In these twa experiments,the author designed the super goal version and non-super goal version.The goal information through the passages was not integrated in Experiment 2 and was integrated in Experiment 3.The result of Experiment 2 showed the recognition times of goal probe wards in both versions were not significantly different.The result suggested the goal information in long-term memory was not affected the current comprehension when the goal information was not integrated.The result of Experiment 3 showed the recognition times of goal probe words in the super goal version were shorter than that in the non-super goal version.The result suggested the integrating sentence of goal information reactivated the goal in long-term mermry and the situation of the integration of goal information was the critical factor in the accessibility of the goal information in longterm memory.
      Prosocial Tendencies and Its Effect on School Adaptation among students in Yunnan Province
      LIN Xiu-yun, FANG Xiao-yi, LI Hui, LIU Chao-ying, YANG Zhi-wen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  44-51. 
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      In order to explore the prosocial tendencies' development and type's characteristic among the undergraduate, middle-school students,pupil in Yunnan Fmvince;and analyae the effect of prosocial tendencies on students' School Adaptation.Method:Selected the participants according to different layer randomly,then 3249 undergraduate and 9055 middle-school students and pupil were selected.Every student finished the Fmsocial Tendencies Measure(PMT) and Adaptation Scale.Result:The analysis showed that (1) The Prosocial tendencies were developing followed grade increasing,and there was significant different armng different type and gender student;(2) Public and Anonyrmus Tendencies were decreasing followed grade increasing,but Dire Tendencies was contrary.Dire Tendencies was number one among all of the six Fmsocial Tendencies.Alms,there was significant different among different type and gender student;(3) The development of Fmsocial tendencies in Yunnan Fmvince's students was higher than other place student totally,however, lower than them in Altruistic Tendencies;(4) Prosocial Tendencies could predict students' school adaptation,but less predict undergraduate.Conclusion:We should enhance education for students' Dire Tendencies,and bring the prosocial tendencies into play.
      Alcohol intoxication and its contributing factors among young rural-to-urban migrants in Beijing
      LIN Dan-hua, SU Wen-liang, Deng, Lin-yuan, LI Xiao-ming
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  52-56. 
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      The study aimed to explore effects of environmental and individual factors on alcohol intoxication among young rural-to-urban migrants in Beijing.A sample of 2201 18-30-years-old rural-to-urban migrant was recruited to participate in the quantitative survey.The subjects'careers were dichotomized into low-risk career and high-risk career according to the characteristics of 13 kinds of careers that migrants were employed.Results showed:(1) Almost 27% of migrants ever drunk to intoxication in the past 30 days.Rate of male alcohol intoxication was 2 times higher than that of females(35% vs.16%);(2) Migrants'alcohol intoxication was significantly correlated with career characteristic,depression and life and wark satisfaction.Rate of drunk behavior among migrants with high risk career was significantly higher than that of migrants with low-risk career.Migrants who reported ever drunk had a higher level of depression and a lower level of life and work satisfaction compared to their counterparts who didn't drunk in the past 30 days;(3) Environmental and individual factors had an interaction effect on migrants' drunk behavior.That is,mobility indirectly influenced migrants' drunk behavior through depression,life and wark satisfaction.Moreover,career had direct and indirect effect on migrants' drunk behavior.
      The Researches of Implicit Gender Stereotype Based on IAT and SEB
      ZUO Bin, LIU Xuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  57-63. 
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      Implicit Association Test (IAT) and Stereotypic Explanatory Bias (SEB) were used to examine implicit gender stereotyping of college students in this study.Results showed that there were strong implicit gender stereotyping among college students; there was little variation on gender stereotyping about male, but gender stereotyping about female changed indeed.Moreover, gender stereotype held by females was nontraditional, but gender stereotype held by males was little changed.The results of gender effects are different in IAT and SEB.
      Mediating Role of Language Learning Anxiety in the Relationship between Tolerance of Ambiguity and English Language Learning
      ZHANG Su-min, WANG Gui-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  64-67. 
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      Questionnaires were adopted to investigate the mediating role of language learning anxiety in the relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and English language learning.The result showed that students with different degree of tolerance of ambiguity could be significantly different in their English language performance as well as in their foreign language learning anxiety.Path analysis also indicated that language learning anxiety played a significant mediating role in the effect of tolerance of ambiguity on English language learning.
      Effects of Integration Training of Phonemic Transcription with Phonological Awareness on Quasi-reading in English
      LI Qing-an, XU Ying, ZHANG Meng, LIN Chong-de, YAO Feng, LIN Yi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  68-76. 
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      In order to mainly investigate the effects of integrated training of phonemic transcription with phonological awareness on quasi-reading skills in English,a pretest-posttest,comparison group quasi-experimental design was adopted,39 grade 1 pupils were used as the group of integrated training of phonemic transcription knowledge with phonemic segmentation and blending skills,23 grade 1 pupils were used as the group of integrated training of phonemic transcription knowledge with phonemic segmentation,blending,deletion and substitution skills,while 28 grade 3 pupils were used as the comparison group.It was found that (1) integrated training of phonemic transcription with phonological awareness could enhance the phonological awareness in English as well as the quasi-reading skills in English in grade 1 pupils;(2) the waining of the quasi-reading skills in English in grade 1 pupils is helpful to their reading skills in English;(3) both the integrated training of phonemic transcription knowledge with phonemic segmentation and blending skills,and the integrated training of phonemic transcription knowledge with phonemic segmentation,blending,deletion and substitution skill s,could enhance quasi-reading and reading skills in English in grade 1 pupils;howerver the former one is not comnarable to the latter one.
      Topic-Shift Effect During Repeated Reading: An Eye Movement Study on Text of Different Structure
      CUI Lei, WANG Sui-ping, ZHAO Juan, YANG Xiao-ying
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  77-82. 
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      Using eye-movement technique, the present study tried to probe the changing characters of topic-shift effect during repeated reading of articles that have different styles of structure.One kind of the articles has sentences of parallel relationship in each paragraph and the other one has a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph.The results show that there is prominent topic-shift effect in the init ial reading for the two kinds of article but not when rereading the same text in subsequent readings.The absence of topic-shift effect suggests that readers construct a mental representation of the text's topic structure during the initial reading and use the representation to guide subsequent readings, which supports the common-strategy hypothesis.It means that readers will construct a good representation of the topic structure during reading no matter if there are signals in the article.
      Self-disclosure and Self-concealment in Adolescence and the Relationship between them and Subjective Well-being
      LI Dong-ping, YU Miaozi, WANG Cai-kang, XIE Xi-jun, ZHOU Liu-mei, ZHU Xun-ming
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  83-90. 
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      A survey using a cluster sampling of adolescence was conducted to investigate the characteristics of self-disclosure and self-concealment in adolescence and the relationship between them and subjective well-being.691 adolescents participated in filling in an anonymous questionnaire.The results indicated that girls disclosed more to fathers,mothers and their best same-sex friends but concealed less than boys.There were significant grade differences with adolescent self-disclosure to mothers,their best same-sex and cross-sex friends.The only-child children disclosed less to their best same-sex and cross-sex friends than non-only-child children did.The target person that adolescents preferred to disclose to also differed across genders and grades.A multiple regression analysis showed that disclosure to parents positively predicted life satisfaction,disclosure to both fathers and the best cross-sex friends positively predicted positive affect,di sclosure to fathers negatively predicted negative feelings while self-concealment positively predicted negative feelings.
      Impact of Cognitive Appraisal,Mental Control between the Mental Feeling and Mental Health of Middle-aged People
      ZHANG Xiang-kui, LIU Yang, TIAN Lu-mei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  91-96. 
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      714 middle-aged urban people were used as subjects,and self-constructed questionnaires were adopted as instruments to explore the relationship between the mental feelings about the reforms of social policy and the mental health.The results showed that(1) the reforms of social policy had positive effects on these subjects and their mental health; (2) the mental feelings about the reforms of social policy had impacts upon their mental health at least via cognitive appraisal and mental contml.
      Hierarchical Linear Model for Binary Data: Principle and Application
      LI Xue-yan, XIN Tao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  97-102. 
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      Hierarchical linear models for categorical data are seldom applied in the field of psychological research in China.The study was aimed to show the usage of this approach to psychological research.In this paper, the authors first introduce the principles and assumptions for hierarchical linear models for binary data, the estimation of parameters and the hypothesis testing for the models.Then based on a binary data coming from the Assessment of Elementary School Students' Quality in Beijing, they modeled the hierarchical linear model to illustrate the effects of individual and school level factors on children's aggressive behaviors.
      The Development and Application of Primary and Middle School Students’ Sensation Seeking Scale
      CHEN Li-na, ZHANG Ming, JIN Zhi-cheng, ZHAO Shan, MEI Song-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  103-108. 
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      This paper first defined the construct of sensation seeking of primary and middle school students, based upon previous literature and experimental research work and constructed a preliminary questionnaire to measure primary school and middle school students' sensation seeking.After pilot testing and a series of revisions, a 30 item scale, named the Primary and Middle School Students Sensation Seeking Scale, was constructed.Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis found that this scale had two dimensions, thrill and adventure seeking, and disinhibition.These empirical dimensions were theoretically interpretable, and the new Scale was tested to be reliable and valid enough to be applicable to measure sensation seeking of primary and middle school students.The characters of Chinese children and adolescents sensation seeking actually had the same tendency as those showed in other researches.The males' sensation seeking level was higher than that of the females.Children and adolescents' sensation seeking level developed with age.
      The Relationship between Coping Styles and Well-being:The Modification and Application of a Coping Style Questionnaire
      SHI Lin, WANG Zhi-yun, REN Hai-yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(4):  109-114. 
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      According to some mature study of coping styles,this study rmdified Mme issues of the Coping Style Questionnaire(Shi Lin,Feng Dan-jun,2004),classified the problem-centered and emotional-centered coping styles more into 5 dimensions.The sample for this study is 590 university students,they are conducted to the modified Coping Styles Que stio nnaire,Well-being index and Cxneral Well-being Index Scale.The results indicated that flexible and controllable coping styles had higher well-being,the revered ones had the lowest.This difference is not only because of their different choices of coping styles,but also of the use effect of them.The person with flexible and controllable coping style could get more from their coping.