
Table of Content

    15 May 2021, Volume 37 Issue 3
    • How Metacognitive Monitoring Influence WCST of Higher Graders in Primary School: The Moderating Role of Executive Function
      MU Defang, CHEN Yinghe
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  305-312.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.01
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      The present study examined the moderator role of metacognitive control and executive function in the effect of metacognitive monitoring on cognitive operation of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. A total of 60 primary school students in grade 5 and 6 were employed, and were asked to make confidence judgment on each classification and choose whether to include the classification results in the total score. Reward score and improvement ratio in WCST were used to represent the performance of cognitive operation. The results showed that:(1) Executive function played as moderator of the association between metacognitive monitoring and functional outcome of cognitive operation; (2) When the executive function was poor, higher levels of metacognitive monitoring predicted better cognitive performance. The findings of the current study reveal that metacognitive monitoring is a kind of regulation and control ability related to motivation, which provides empirical support to clarify the relationship between metacognitive monitoring and executive function.
      The Automaticity of Children's Spatial Perspective-taking and Its Development
      ZUO Tingting, HU Qingfen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  313-322.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.02
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      In this study, we used spatial perspective-taking task to examine the automaticity and developmental trajectory of spatial perspective-taking for children aged 7~11. The results showed that:(1) In the other tasks, the accuracy decreased as the angular disparity between the doll and the subject increased; (2) In the self tasks when the spatial relationship were consistent, the correct rates was higher than when the spatial relationship was inconsistent. And the reverse consistency effect appeared when the angular disparity between the doll and the subject was during 150°~180°. The results of this study prove that the task of this study is an effective spatial perspective-taking task for children. Seven to nine-year-old children can automatically transform spatial perspectives. Eleven-year-old children can automatically make spatial perspective-taking that needs to make left-right judgements. This study demonstrates for the first time that the age of eleven is the relative turning point in the age at which children automatically make spatial perspective-taking that needs to make left-right judgements.
      An Eye-movement Research on 5~6-year-old Children's Recognition of Cartoon Faces in Different Culture Backgrounds
      SHI Fangting, ZHENG Chenye, YAN Xiulin, LU Lu, WANG Jingmei, DI Bo, LU Yingjun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  323-334.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.03
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      Cartoon faces in different cultural backgrounds were used to explore the recognition difference and its eye movement mechanism when Chinese children were memorizing Chinese, Japanese and European-American style female cartoon faces. The results showed that:(1) the accuracy among different cartoon faces was significantly different, Japanese style faces had an advantage in memorizing. Girls' face recognition accuracy in three styles was significantly higher than boys; (2) the exaggeration of facial features of cartoon faces could significantly predicate the recognition accuracy; (3) cultural background and gender factors significantly affected overall eye movement indicators, such as the average fixation time, fixation counts, saccades counts, saccades amplitude, and pupil size; (4) interest area data showed that the total fixation time and fixation counts for Japanese style faces were the highest; the eyes were the most concerned in cartoon recognition, followed by the nose; There was an interaction between cultural background and interest area in fixation time, fixation counts and first fixation area, which indicates that children focus more on the eyes of Japanese style and the nose of European-American style. In conclusion, there are differences in children's memory and eye movement processing of cartoon faces from different cultural backgrounds. The memory advantage of Japanese style faces may be due to its exaggeration of facial features, especially for the eye areas. Girls show more advantages in recognizing cartoon faces both in behavioral and eye movement indicators.
      The Causes of the Development of Coping Styles in Childhood: Trait Theory or Situational Theory?
      SU Zhiqiang, MA Zhengyu, ZHANG Dajun, MA Jianyun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  335-343.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.04
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      In order to explore the causes of the development of coping styles in childhood. This study conducted a two-year follow-up study, 355 students in grade3 were investigated by the coping style questionnaire and the Psychological Suzhi scale (kids version). This study compares the developmental trajectories of different coping styles in academic difficulties situations and peer conflict situations, and the impact of trait (Psychological Suzhi) on the development of coping styles. The results show that:The positive coping styles of childhood children have different development trajectories in academic difficulties situations and peer conflict situations, while the negative coping styles have the same development track in those situations. The trait factors-Psychological Suzhi can significantly predict positive or negative coping styles of children at different times. This shows that the development of coping styles in childhood is the result of a combination of situational factors and trait factors.
      FOMO's Influence on Prosocial Behavior
      XIA Xiaotong, Duan Jinyun, Huang Xinyin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  344-352.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.05
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      Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) refers to the pervasive apprehension due to worries that others might be experiencing fantastic stories or positive events from which one is absent. Prosocial behavior not only benefits the recipient, but also promotes the harmonious relationship between the helper and recipient or society. The fear of missing out has been improved compared to the past in the process of the rapid development of internet social media. Therefore, in the context of the increasingly rich social media information, the present study explored the impact of the fear of missing out on prosocial behavior, and pays attention to the mechanism of interpersonal security and basic psychological need satisfaction. The present study supplied the experimental method of the fear of missing out and expanded the scope of research on prosocial behavior. In this context,the present study combined a questionnaire survey (study 1) and an experimental design (study 2) to investigate the effect of the FOMO on prosocial behavior, and also examined the mediation role of interpersonal security and the moderation role of basic psychological need satisfaction. A sample of 182 (male=88, 48.4%) Chinese college students participated in study 1, they were asked to complete a questionnaire measuring the FOMO, prosocial behavior, interpersonal security and basic psychological need satisfaction. Using an experimental, study 2 manipulated the FOMO with hypothetical scenarios. A total of 80 Chinese college students (male=40, 50%) were randomly divided into two groups(FOMO vs. control) to read the scenarios about the fear of missing out or control condition, and to completed questionnaire about interpersonal security and basic psychological need satisfaction, then they finished two items to evaluate their prosocial behavior. Date were collected andanalyzed with SPSS 20.0, and bootstrap method was used to examine the mediating roles of interpersonal security and the moderating roles of basic psychological need satisfaction between the fear of missing out and prosocial behavior. The results of study 1 and study 2 indicated that the fear of missing out significantly and negatively predicted prosocial behavior. Moreover, the interpersonal security significantly mediated the negative relationship between prosocial behavior and the fear of missing out. In addition, the basic psychological need satisfaction significantly moderated the negative relationship between prosocial behavior and the fear of missing out. Specifically, compared with those in high-basic psychological need satisfaction, the fear of missing out would more strongly predict prosocial behavior in the low-basic psychological need satisfaction. In sum, these findings highlight the mechanism underlying the relationship between the fear of missing out and prosocial behavior. The fear of missing out negatively predicts prosocial behavior through mediating roles of interpersonal security and the basic psychological need satisfaction moderate such relationship. The present study gives some suggestions on dealing with the fear of missing out and improving prosocial behavior in the real world. Individuals and society should seek or provide measures to increase the individual's basic psychological need satisfaction to prevent the negative effects of the fear of missing out on prosocial behavior from being exacerbated.
      The Effects of Cognitive Inhibition on Scientific Creativity and Artistic Creativity
      YAO Haijuan, TONG Na, ZHANG Shanshan, GONG Yanbin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  353-362.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.06
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      Two experiments were conducted to explore the effects of cognitive inhibition on scientific creativity and artistic creativity. In this study, participants were arranged to complete Simon tasks with different difficulty levels (the proportion of inconsistent trials was 70% or 10%) to consume their resources for manipulating the inhibition level of participants, and Flanker task was conducted to evaluate the change of inhibition ability. Then, scientific creativity test was administered as the measurement of scientific creativity in experiment 1, while the collage task was administered as the measurement of artistic creativity in experiment 2. The results showed that:(1) in the scientific creativity test, the fluency and flexibility scores of high inhibition level group were significantly higher than those of the low inhibition level group; (2) in the collage task, the scores of creativity, cuteness, comprehensive impression and the total score of the low inhibition level group were significantly higher than those of the high inhibition level group. It was concluded that the cognitive inhibition of high level promoted scientific creativity, while the low level of cognitive inhibition promoted artistic creativity, cognitive inhibition had an effect on the separation of scientific creativity and artistic creativity.
      Self-esteem Influences Personality Trait Judgments Based on Physical Attractiveness
      LI Huixiang, PENG Maoying, YANG Juan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  363-370.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.07
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      Physical attractiveness stereotype implies that individuals who are physically attractive will be attributed positive personality traits. Specifically, the more attractive a person, the more likely that person to be perceived as possessing more socially acclaimed personality attributes. Previous research has suggested a moderating effect of self-esteem on physical attractiveness stereotype, in which compared with high self-esteem, people with low self-esteem had a more negative attitude to attractive others and a more positive attitude to less attractive individuals. In addition, studies also showed a positive correlation between self-esteem and agentic trait self-assessments, which suggested self-esteem is dominated by agentic rather than communal trait self-assessments. Despite research has shown the influence of self-esteem on physical attractiveness stereotype, no studies so far have examined how self-esteem affects the performance of physical attractiveness stereotype on agency and communion dimensions. In this current study, we conducted a 2 (self-esteem level:high, low)×2 (targets attractiveness level:high, low) mixed experimental design to investigated this impact of self-esteem. Twelve female targets photos with high or low attractiveness (6 photos of attractive and unattractive targets respectively) was collected and be randomly matched with different agentic or communal trait adjectives in advance. Sixty healthy female college students (mean age=20.18±1.58) were recruited in the experiment and were divided into either high or low self-esteem group according to their total scores of Rosenberg self-esteem scale (Rosenberg, 1965). Participants were asked to evaluate the compliance level between the photos and the trait adjectives on a 4 Likert scale (1=no at all, 4=very well). Results indicated that (1) on agentic traits judgments, high self-esteem subjects had a significantly higher evaluations to attractive targets compared with low self-esteem (p=0.019); low self-esteem subjects had a significantly higher evaluations to unattractive targets compared with high self-esteem (p=0.036);(2) on communal traits judgments, consistent with hypothesis, there is no salient evaluation difference between high and low self-esteem subjects to high attractive targets, that is, both high and low self-esteem participants were agreed that attractive targets are more communal than unattractive (p=0.202). As a whole,the results of this current study replicated the findings of most publications showing that there was a robust stabilizing physical attractiveness stereotype on communal trait judgments. Moreover, we found that there was a moderating effect of self-esteem on physical attractiveness stereotype's performance on agentic trait judgement.
      Parent-adolescent Attachment and Peer Attachment Associated with Hope: A Longitudinal Study of First-year College Students
      XIANG Guangcan, TENG Zhaojun, GUO Cheng, CHEN Hong, MIAO Hualing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  371-380.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.08
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      In order to examine the longitudinal relationships between attachment (father, mother and peer attachment) and hope, this study used the Inventory of Parental and Peer Attachment Questionnaire (IPPA) and the Hope Scale (HS) to investigate the relationship between attachment and hope in a longitudinal first-year college students' sample (n=1283). The results showed that:(1) Parental and peer attachment were positively associated with hope across three time; (2) The cross-lagged panel models showed that a reciprocal relationship between parental, peer attachment and hope; (3) Gender difference only appeared in the cross-sectional relationship between peer attachment and hope, which suggested larger correlation between peer attachment and hope for female students than for male students. In conclusion, there were stable cross-sectional correlations between attachments (parental and peer) and hope, and longitudinal reciprocal associations between them.
      Ego Identity Status and Time Management in College Students: Mediating Effect of Emotion and Attention of Passage of Life Time
      YU Xide, XIONG Xiling, LIANG Xiao, LU Cheng, DENG Liyi, GAO Dingguo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  381-390.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.09
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      We often persuade others to cherish the present time by emphasizing the feeling of the passage of time. This is the educational and cultural tradition in China since the ancient times. However, little is known about the underlying mechanism of the time awareness influence on time behavior. The questionnaire method is adopted to survey 2232 junior college students, investigate the relationships among the ego-identity status, emotion of passage of life time, attention of passage of life time and time management. This research provided several conclusions. First, achievement and Moratorium predict sense of time value, sense of time control and sense of time efficacy positively, while foreclosure predicts sense of time control positively, and sense of time efficacy negatively. Diffusion predicts sense of time value and sense of time control negatively. Second, identity achievement indirectly predicts sense of time control and sense of time efficacy through emotion of passage of life time. Third, moratorium indirectly predicts sense of time control and sense of time efficacy through emotion and attention of passage of life time. Meanwhile, it predicts sense of time value through attention of passage of life time. Lastly, foreclosure indirectly predicts sense of time value, sense of time control and sense of time efficacy. Interestingly, attention of passage of lifetime plays a completely mediating role between foreclosure and sense of time value.
      Effects of Accelerating the Playback of Micro Teaching Video on Learning Performance
      MA Anran, WANG Yanqing, WANG Fuxing, ZHOU Zhijin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  391-399.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.10
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      In order to explore the effects of accelerating the playback of micro teaching video on learning performance and learning satisfaction, in Experiment 1, we used the retention test, transfer test and the eye movement tracking technique to measure the learning performance and the visual attention process. 62 college students were randomly distributed into normal play, 1.5 times of playing and 2 times of playing. The results showed that:(1) Accelerating playing micro teaching video hindersed learning performance and learning satisfaction; (2) With the acceleration of the playing speed, the fixation time of the picture AOI (Area of Interest) and the attention switches between text AOI and picture AOI were reduced. The reason why accelerating video playback was not conducive to learning might be that the length of learning was inconsistent. Considering the realistic situation and theoretical research, in Experiment 2 we controlled the learning length and found that:(1) Compared with normal speed, 1.5 times speed did not inhibit learning effect, the learning effect of 2 times speed playing was higher than 1.5 times speed; (2) There was no significant difference between the learning satisfaction and the eye movement among three different video playing speeds. This research has implications for the researches of the video playing speed, online learning and micro-video design.
      The Relationship between Mobile Phone Addiction and Learning Engagement in College Students: The Mediating Effect of Self-control and Moderating Effect of Core Self-evaluation
      GAO Bin, ZHU Suijing, WU Jingling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  400-406.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.11
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      In present study, we tested the mediating effect of self-control and moderating effect of core self-evaluation between mobile phone addiction and learning engagement among college students. A sample of 628 Chinese college students was recruited in this study to complete Mobile Phone Addiction Scale, Dual-Mode of Self-control Scale, Learning Engagement Scale, Core Self-evaluation Scale. The results showed that:(1) there was a significant negative correlation between mobile phone addiction and learning engagement; (2) control system and impulse system played multiple mediating roles in the relationship between mobile phone addiction and learning engagement; (3) the direct predictive effect of mobile phone addiction on learning engagement was moderated by core self-evaluation. In summary, this study uncovered the mechanism underlying the relationship between mobile phone addiction and learning engagement. Specific practical implications and directions for future research are discussed.
      The Relationship Between Adolescents' Friendship Quality and Subjective Well-being: A Meta-analysis
      NIU Kaining, LI Mei, ZHANG Xiangkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  407-418.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.12
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      With the method of meta-analysis, the present study explores the relationship between adolescents' friendship quality and subjective well-being. Twenty-seven articles (N=21283) met the criteria of meta-analysis were taken into research. The results showed that:(1) Adolescents' friendship quality had a positive correlation with subjective well-being (r=0.28, p<0.001); (2) The relationship between friendship quality and subjective well-being was not moderated by gender, cultural background, academic stage, subjective well-being questionnaires and friendship quality scales, but was moderated by publication time.
      The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency: The Roles of Boredom Proneness and Future Time Perspective
      YANG Xiujuan, FAN Cuiying, ZHOU Zongkui, LIU Qingqi, LIAN Shuailei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  419-428.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.13
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      The present study investigated the relationship between mindfulness and mobile phone addiction tendency in college students and the mediating role of boredom proneness as well as the moderating role of future time perspective. A sample of 790 college students completed questionnaires measuring mindfulness, boredom proneness, mobile phone addiction tendency, and future time perspective. The results showed that:(1) Mindfulness could negatively predict mobile phone addiction tendency; (2) Boredom proneness mediated the relationship between mindfulness and mobile phone addiction tendency; (3) Future time perspective moderated the indirect relationship between mindfulness and mobile phone addiction tendency through boredom proneness, with the indirect relationship being stronger for college students with lower levels of future time perspective. These findings shed light on how mindfulness links to mobile phone addiction tendency and under what conditions the relationship between mindfulness and mobile phone addiction tendency becomes stronger or weaker. The present study can provide constructive suggestions for prevention and intervention of college students' mobile phone addiction in the era of mobile internet.
      The Relationship of Parent-child Separation, Peer Victimization and Depression in Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study
      CHEN Zixun, FENG Yingxue, SONG Wenli, LIU Xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  429-438.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.14
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      Using a longitudinal design, the current study aimed to investigate the associations among early parent-child separation, later peer victimization and depression of adolescents, and examine whether there existed gender differences. A total sample of 1094 adolescents were recruited from Guizhou province. Two waves of data collections were conducted with an interval of half a year. Results showed that:(1) Early parent-child separation could not only significantly and positively predict peer victimization and depression at wave 1, but also indirectly predict peer victimization and depression at wave 2 through the mediating roles of peer victimization and depression at wave 1;(2) There were significant gender differences among the associations among parent-child separation, peer victimization and depression. As for females, early parent-child separation could not only significantly increase the depression at wave 1, but also indirectly affect peer victimization at wave 2 through depression at wave 1. In addition, early parent-child separation could marginally predict peer victimization at wave 1. As for males, parent-child separation only predicted peer victimization at wave 1, while it had no significant effects on depression at wave 1 and variables at wave 2; (3) Regardless of the effects of parent-child separation, there was a bidirectional relationship between peer victimization and depression. Our investigation suggested that early parent-child separation experience would lead to higher peer victimization and depression in adolescents, especially in the girl group. These findings had certain practical implications for educators in understanding and protecting mental health of young people with parent-child separation.
      The Associations and Pathways between Empathy and Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing Problems
      CHEN Hui, HE Ting, TANG Yuanqiong, TANG Yixin, LU Fengyong, LIN Xiuyun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  439-446.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.15
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      Internalizing and externalizing problems were identified as the most common prevalence psychological and behavior problems among adolescents. Although empathy has close relationship with adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problems, the different relationships among the components of empathy (i.e., cognitive empathy, affective empathy) and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems remain less studied in previous studies, also the pathway between empathy and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems. The present study firstly reviewed the associations between cognitive empathy, affective empathy and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems. Furthermore, we introduced the generation model of empathy (Self to Other Model of Empathy, SOME), the development model of empathy (Risky Empathy Development Model, REDM) and related neurophysiological factors to promote the elaboration of the pathway between empathy and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems. In future, the definition and components of empathy should be clarified and distinguished. More efforts should be devoted to the development of measures and the exploration of the relationship between behavioral empathy and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems. In order to construct systematic theoretical models on the relationship between empathy and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems, individual characteristics, special groups and cultural backgrounds should be involved in the future studies.
      Dehumanization: Concept, Measurement and Related Researches
      SUN Jiayi, LIU Yanling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(3):  447-456.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.03.16
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      Dehumanization which is the negative perception of person's humanity is closely related to violence. On the basis of introducing the concepts and measurement, the present paper synthesized situational factors and individual factors that lead to dehumanization, and expounded the influence of dehumanization on aggression and prosociality. Future research should be carried out from four aspects, including broadening research variables, strengthening intervention study, enriching research methods, conducting localization and cross-cultural research.