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    15 July 2020, Volume 36 Issue 4
    • The Role of Distractor Inhibition and Relational Integration in Preschool Children's Analogical Reasoning
      YU Xiao, WANG Hongmei, CHEN Yinghe, LIU Ruishu, HAN Congcong, HAN Min, ZHANG Han, LIU Jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  385-393.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.01
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      To explore the contribution of distractor inhibition and relational integration on preschool children’s analogical reasoning, taking into account both kinds of distractors (perceptual distractor and semantic distractor) and further compared the interactive pattern of distractor inhibition and relational integration. The current study adopted the Chuderska & Chuderski (2014)’s scene analogy task. In experiment 1, we recruited 25 3-and 4-year-olds and 26 5-and 6-year-old children to complete inhibitory control task, working memory task and analogical reasoning tasks involving perceptual distraction. At the same time, we investigated the interactive mechanism of perceptual distraction and relational integration in children’s analogical reasoning. In experiment 2, we recruited 30 3-and 4-year-olds and 28 5-and 6-year-old children to complete inhibition control task, working memory task and analogical reasoning tasks involving semantic distraction. At the same time, we investigated the interactive mechanism of semantic distraction and relational integration in children’s analogical reasoning. The results of both experiments showed that inhibitory control can significantly predict children’s performance on various types of analogical reasoning tasks. Working memory can significantly predict children’s performance on analogical reasoning task with semantic distractors. We also found that for children, the disruptive effect of distractor was larger in unary relation condition than binary relation condition. It seems that for children, relational integration was the first constraint in the development of analogical reasoning.
      The Role of the Processing Speed and Executive Function in the Development of Fluid Intelligence During Childhood and Adolescence
      HAN Yan, XU Fen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  394-405.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.02
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      This study investigate the effects of processing speed and executive function on fluid intelligence in developmental perspective. The results showed that the effect of sensory and motor and perceptual processing speed on fluid intelligence was from direct to indirect via memory updating with increasing age, but there were differences among age groups. In the middle of childhood (7 to 9 years old), perceptual processing speed not only had direct effect on fluid intelligence, but also indirectly influence fluid intelligence via memory updating . In the late of childhood (10 to 12 years old), sensory-motor processing speed and perceptual processing speed only had indirect effect fluid intelligence via memory updating and inhibition/shifting factors. In adolescence (13 to 15years old), perceptual processing speed affected fluid intelligence indirectly through memory updating.
      Effects of Trait Cognition and Social Relationship on Chinese Interpersonal Trust: The Role of Social Class
      WANG Pei, LIU Yuting, LIANG Yajun, TAN Chenhao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  406-413.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.03
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      Interpersonal trust can be influenced by trait cognition and social relationships. Despite having a close-distant relationship, social class is an important property of social relationships. In this study, we examined the way in which trait cognition (benevolence), close-distant relationship and social class impact the trust of Chinese in an investment game. The results demonstrated that all three factors can influence the tendency of Chinese interpersonal trust and there was a significant interaction among them. Both close-distant relationship and social class have the greatest impact on trustworthiness. Additionally the results demonstrated that close relationships, higher social class and higher level of benevolence lead to higher levels of trust. Moreover, the effect of social class on the level of trust decreased with the decreasing of the degree of close-distant relationships (the level of benevolence). Our findings suggest that social relationships influence the level of Chinese interpersonal trust through the effect of trait cognition.
      The Effect of Perceived Chronic Social Adversity on Aggression of College Students: The Roles of Ruminative Responses and Perceived Social Support
      JIN Tonglin, WU Yuntena, ZHANG Lu, YANG Xue, JIA Yanru, YANG Hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  414-421.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.04
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      This present study aimed to explore the mechanism of perceived chronic social adversity on college students’ aggression, by surveying 577 college students with Perceived Chronic Social Adversity Questionnaire(PCSAQ), Chinese College Students’ Version of Buss- Perry Aggression Questionnaire(BPAQ-CCSV), Ruminative Responses Scale(RRS) and Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS). The results showed that: (1) Perceived chronic social adversity had a significantly direct effect on aggression and ruminative responses played a partial mediating role between them; (2) Perceived social support moderated the relation between perceived chronic social adversity and ruminative responses of college students, that is, there was a significantly positive relation between perceived chronic social adversity and ruminative responses under the low perceived social support level, however, there was a non-significant relation between perceived chronic social adversity and ruminative responses under the high perceived social support level.
      Parental Rearing Style and Adolescents' Gratitude: The Mediating Effect of Entitlement and Perspective Taking
      WANG Yadan, KONG Fanchang, ZHAO Gai, ZHANG Xingjie, ZHOU Bo, TANG Feng, ZHOU Zongkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  422-429.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.05
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      The present study used questionnaire method to investigate the influence of parental warmth, parental reject and parental overprotection on adolescents’ gratitude as well as the mediating effect of entitlement and perspective taking among 482 high school students. Results showed that: (1) parental warmth can significantly positively predict the adolescents’ gratitude, parental rejection can significantly negatively predict the adolescents’ gratitude; (2) perspective taking mediated the relationship between three types of parental rearing style and adolescents’ gratitude respectively, entitlement mediated the relationship between parental rejection, parental overprotection and adolescents’ gratitude respectively. This suggested that parental rearing styles influence adolescents’ gratitude through the mediating effect of entitlement and perspective taking, but different parental rearing styles had different effect paths.
      The Association between Boredom Proneness and College Students' Cognitive Failures: The Moderating and Mediating Role of Effortful Control
      ZHANG Yali, LI Sen, YU Guoliang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  430-439.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.06
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      This study aimed to explore the association between boredom proneness and college students’ cognitive failures, as well as the role of effortful control. A sample of 510 college students completed the Boredom Proneness Scale,Effortful Control Questionnaire and Cognitive Failure Questionnaire. Results showed that: (1) Effortful control moderated the relation between boredom proneness and cognitive failures of college students. There was a significant positive relation between boredom proneness and cognitive failures under the low effortful control level,but the relation was not significantly under the high effortful control level; (2) Effortful control had a significant indirect effect on cognitive failures and played a fully mediating role between them.
      A Comparison of Language Similarity between Two Sides of Communicative Learning in Different Contexts
      ZHANG Hengchao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  440-448.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.07
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      In the study, communicative learning task and individual task were designed. The communicative paradigm was used to explore the language similarity between both sides of communicative learning in different contexts. The results showed that: (1)The language similarity level between the two sides was the highest under the way of language communication, followed by the object visual way, and finally the expression and object visual way. (2)The language similarity between both sides showed an inverted U-shaped with the process of communication, and the language similarity was relatively stable from the block 6 only under the way of expression. (3)In the block 10 of the communication task, the communicative context effect of similarity was significant, but that of the individual task was not significant. The main effect of task type was not significant in the way of expression. The results suggested that: with the increase of non-language factors in the communication context, the cognitive coordination of language gradually diminished. Expression visibility promoted the formation efficiency of language referential convention. Only under the expression and object visual context the similarity showed consistency between communication task and individual task.
      The Influence of Cognitive Ability on Academic Performance of Junior Middle School Students: A Mediated Moderation Model
      LIANG Xingli, HE Jin, ZHOU Jijun, LIU Pingping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  449-461.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.08
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      Academic performance has been widely known to be influenced by multiple factors, including cognitive ability, academic motivation and social support. However, the relationships between these factors and the mechanism under their effects on academic performance are still unclear. According to information processing theory, cognitive ability of students would promote the improvement of academic achievement. Based on self-determination theory, perceived social supports may influence learning behavior through academic motivation. However, it is still unclear how individual and environmental factors jointly affect academic performance. Therefore, the present study aimed to test a mediated moderation model to explore the impact of social support and academic motivation on the relationships between cognitive ability and academic performance. The present study, using cluster sampling approach, investigated 4,973 junior high school students in Yanqing District, Beijing. Students were required to complete cognitive tests (i.e., attention, memory and reasoning ability), social support (i.e., teacher-student relationship, friendship quality and parental support) and academic motivation. The mean of school testing measures on all participants in junior high school were used to represent academic performance. There were three main findings. First, in line with previous studies, cognitive ability, social support, and academic motivation were positively related to academic performance. Second, social support significantly moderated the association between cognitive ability and academic performance. The effect of cognitive ability on academic performance was stronger for students with higher social support than those with lower level of social support. Third, academic motivation mediated the influence of cognitive ability on academic performance, and the mediation was affected by social support. Specifically, the link from cognitive ability to academic motivation then to academic performance was stronger for students with high level of social support than those with low level of social support. The present study confirms the self-determination theory by providing evidences that the effect of individual factors (cognitive ability and academic motivation) on academic performance may vary in social environments with different levels of interpersonal supports. Our findings provide the understanding about mechanisms of the effect of cognitive ability on academic performance, and suggest the importance of supportive interpersonal relationships in educational practice.
      Attentional Bias in Different Level of Pre-service Teachers' Emotional Awareness
      WANG Haibin, ZHANG Pengcheng, LU Jiamei, QU Qiong, ZHANG Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  462-468.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.09
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      315 pre-service teachers were surveyed by the Chinese version of Leaves of Emotional Awareness Scale(LEAS)to filter out the high and low emotional awareness group, the subjects of two groups were both 60,and then ask them to make the appropriate judgment of emotional faces Stroop paradigm (Study 1) and emotional words Stroop paradigm (Study 2). The results as follow: (1) the results of study 1 showed that the accuracy rate of the neutral faces was the highest, followed by the happy faces and sad faces; the response time of the sad faces were the longest, followed by the happy faces and neutral faces; the interference effect of sad faces was higher than that of the happy faces; (2) the results of study 2 showed that the response time of the negative words were the longest, and the response time of high score group was significantly longer than low score group in response only to the positive and neutral words, and their interference effects of positive words was higher. It showed that compared with the neutral stimuli, the all participants paid attention to emotional stimuli, especially the negative emotional stimuli. Compared with low emotional awareness group, high emotional awareness group not only paid attention to negative emotional stimuli, but also paid attention to positive emotional information.
      Relationships among Family Function, Interpersonal Adaptation and Cyberbullying of Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Effect
      WANG Bochen, JIN Cancan, ZHAO Baobao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  469-476.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.10
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      This study aims to examine the relationships among family function, interpersonal adaptation and cyberbullying of adolescents and the moderating effect of gender. The General Family Function Questionnaire, the Adolescent Interpersonal Adaptation scale and the Cyberbullying Questionnaire were administered to 1,921 adolescents from junior and high middle schools in Beijing and Kunming in China. The results showed that: (1) Adolescents’ family function, interpersonal adaptation and cyberbullying were significantly related to each other; (2) After controlling for family socioeconomic status (SES), interpersonal adaptation completely mediated the relationship between family function and adolescents' cyberbullying behavior; (3) Gender moderated the relationship between interpersonal adaptation and cyberbullying of adolescents. Specifically, compared with boys, girls with good interpersonal adaptation would participate in less cyberbullying. The results suggest that favorable famidy function can reduce adolescents' cyber budlying by affecting interpersonal adaptation. In addition, there are gender differences in this process. For girds, it is more targeted to improve social interpersonal adaptability.
      The Relationship between College Students' Major Intrinsic Motivation and Subjective Well-being: The Mediators of Major Engagement and Subjective Major Achievement
      CHI Wentao, SANG Qingsong, SHU Shouli
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  477-485.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.11
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      Self-determination theory suggested that intrinsic motivation is an important factor of subjective well-being. In order to explore the internal mechanism of internal motivation and subjective well-being, the researchers investigated 3,527 college students by using Major Intrinsic Motivation Scale, Major Engagement Scale, Subjective Major Achievement Scale and Subjective Well-being Scale. The research found that: (1) major intrinsic motivation positively predicted subjective well-being; (2) major engagement played a mediating role between major intrinsic motivation and subjective well-being; (3) subjective major achievement played a mediating role in the relationship between major intrinsic motivation and subjective well-being; (4) major engagement and subjective major achievement played a serial mediating role between major intrinsic motivation and subjective well-being. Overall, major engagement and subjective major achievement play a serial mediating role in the relationship between college students’ major intrinsic motivation and subjective well-being.
      The Influence of WeChat Moments Use on Undergraduates' Depression: The Effects of Negative Social Comparison and Self-concept Clarity
      WU Yang, WU Li, NIU Gengfeng, CHEN Zhenzhen, WANG Lizhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  486-493.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.12
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      In order to investigate the influence of Social Networking Site (SNS, WeChat Moments) on undergraduates’ Depression as well as its inner mechanism-the mediating effect of negative social comparison and moderating effect of self-concept clarity, a sample of 997 undergraduate students was recruited to complete questionnaires on SNS use, negative social comparison, self-concept clarity and Depression. Results revealed that: (1) SNS use was positively correlated with negative social comparison and Depression, while self-concept clarity was negatively correlated with them; (2) SNS use could affect depression through the mediating effect of negative social comparison; (3) The mediating effect of negative social comparison was moderated by self-concept clarity, and specifically, this mediating effect was more pronounced among undergraduate students with low level of self-concept clarity.
      The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health in Undergraduates: The Mediating Role of Social Support and the Moderating Role of Mobile Phone Dependence
      HE Anming, BAO Cancan, HUI Qiuping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  494-501.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.13
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      In this study, self-reported data were collected from 621 college students. Participants were tested with the Emotional Intelligence Scale, the Symptom Check List 90, Social Support Scale for University Students and the Mobile Phone Addiction Index. All the measures attained good reliability and validity. Descriptive analysis and correlation analysis were used to study the relationship between variables, Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the mediating and moderating effect. The results indicated that: (1) the mental health was positively correlated with mobile phone dependence, while negatively correlated with emotional intelligence and social support; emotional intelligence was positively correlated with social support;(2) Social support played a partial mediating role between emotional intelligence and mental health. Emotional intelligence can directly affect mental health of college students, but also have an indirect impact on mental health through social support;(3) Mobile phone dependence moderated this mediation effect of social support. For high level of mobile phone dependent college students, with the increase of social support, their mental health symptoms had an obviously downward trend; for low level of mobile phone dependent college students, with the increase of social support, their mental health symptoms had downward trend. That is to say, high level of mobile phone dependence had enhanced the relationship between social support and college students’ mental health, low level of mobile phone dependence had a weakening effect on the relationship between social support and college students’ mental health. The conclusion of the study had positive reference value for improvement of undergraduates’ mental health.
      Children in the Digital Age: Touchscreen and Child Development
      GAO Chunying, WANG Fuxing, TONG Yu, LI Hui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(4):  502-512.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.04.14
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      Children are increasingly exposed to touchscreen devices, such as iPad and smartphones in their early life. This article reviewed studies regarding the touchscreen use and children’s development. It was found that touchscreen devices had the feature of interactive, immediate feedback, progressive and portable. Using touchscreen devices could promote children’s learning in STEM (dcompare with baseline=1.06, dcompare with other methods=0.30) and vocabulary (dcompare with baseline=0.51, dcompare with other methods=0.47). Moreover, children could transfer what they had learned on touchscreen to other situations (d=0.78). Using touchscreen device had positive effect on children’s executive function and parent-child relationship, but its influences on children’s fine movement skills is still mixed. Touchscreen device could also be used as a new measurement instrument or interventions in other areas, and there are challenges in popularizing. Future studies might focus on the touchscreen device’s characteristics and learning outcomes among children of different age, and extend these results in real-world situations.