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    15 May 2019, Volume 35 Issue 3
    • Children's Selective Trust: The Role of Informant's Previous Accuracy
      TONG Yu, WANG Fuxing, LI Hui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  257-266.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.01
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      As a social learner, even 3-year-old children can evaluate the credibility of informants with a variety of attributes. However, previous studies showed inconsistent results about the role of informant's previous accuracy on children's selective trust. In this article, we reviewed studies which children select and assess information based on informants' previous accuracy with "familiarization-test" paradigms. It was found children believed that previous accurate informant were more trustworthy than previous inaccurate one. When making trust choices, children mainly monitored informant's inaccuracy, and apply "global impression" and "trait reasoning" these two cognitive strategies flexibly to predict informant's future behavior. Moreover, children could make a dynamically adjustment according to the different situations and backgrounds. In the meanwhile, children's personal experience and the level of their cognitive development (i.e., theory of mind and executive function) limited their trust preference choices. Future studies might improve the research paradigm, extend the way of presentation, focus on the multiple characteristics and different ontological categories of informants.
      The Influence of Vertical Spatial Metaphor of Morality on Spatial Relation Judgments
      JIA Ning, FENG Xinming, LU Zhongyi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  267-273.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.02
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      Metaphor is pervasive in everyday life,not just in language,but also in thoughts and actions (Lakoff and Johnson,1980,1999). Our ordinary conceptual system,in terms of which we think and act,is fundamentally metaphorical in nature. Thus,metaphors are not simply a rhetorical or communicative tool,but an important way to represent concepts. Spatial metaphors are a type of image schema metaphor that map spatial concepts in the source domain (e.g. up-down,front-back,center-periphery,etc.) onto abstract target domains (Lakens,Semin,& Foroni,2011; Lakoff & Turner,1989; Schubert,2005). Recently,spatial metaphors have received particular attention in the field of social cognition,because of its critical role in the formation of human moral concepts.
      In the past,researchers paid more attention to the psychological reality of moral concept metaphors,and the influence of spatial position on the processing the (im)moral words. The current study focused on the influence of moral metaphors on the judgment of spatial relationships. We examine two issues:first,whether moral concept spatial metaphors exist in psychological reality; second,whether moral metaphors cause a bias in spatial relationship judgments.
      The present study utilized a visuospatial relation judgments paradigm,namely the Bar-Dot task (Hellige & Michimata,1989; Katie & Itiel,2011). In this paradigm,participants were asked to estimate the position of a dot relative to a bar in three dimensions:above/below judgment (Experiment 1),near/far judgment (Experiment 2),and precise distance estimation (Experiment 3). The above/below judgment task requires participants to estimate whether a dot is above or below the bar. The accuracy and reaction time of estimation were recorded to provide a coarse spatial judgment. The near/far judgment task requires participants to judge whether the dot is within or outside of a specific distance (such as 3.5cm) of the bar and the number of far and near distance judgments was recorded. Relative to the above/below judgment task,the near/far judgment task includes judging a more refined spatial relationship. The precise distance estimation requires participants to accurately estimate the distance of a dot from the bar,and the estimated distance was recorded. Relative to the near/far judgment task that provides a qualitative estimate of cognitive bias (i.e.,whether near/far),the precise distance estimation task can provide a quantitative measure of cognitive biases (i.e.,how near/far).
      The results showed that:(1) In the verticality (above/below) judgment,moral words were responded to faster than immoral words when the words were presented above the bar; in contrast,when the words were presented below the bar,immoral words were responded to faster; (2) in the proximity (near/far) judgment,more moral than immoral words were judged to be "far" (an upward bias) when words were presented above the bar; but when the words were presented below the bar, no significant bias was found for moral or immoral words; (3) in precise distance estimation,an overestimation was observed when participants were primed with moral words and an underestimation was observed when participants were primed with immoral words. The current results demonstrated that vertical spatial metaphor of moral concepts influences various dimensions of our spatial relation judgments. The Study extend research on moral metaphor and embodied cognition by using Chinese traditional moral concepts and the classical spatial relation judgment task.
      The Contrast Effect of the Recipient's Outcomes on Prosocial Performance between Adults and Children
      XIAO Fengqiu, ZHENG Zhiwei, CHEN Yinghe
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  274-281.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.03
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      Prosocial performance refers to a broad category of actions that benefit other people or the society. The mechanisms underlying prosocial performance is a hot topic. Compared with other factors that affect prosocial performance, prosocial outcomes relatively received less attention. This research explored the effects of the recipient's outcomes (prosocial gains vs. prosocial non-losses) and age on prosocial performance. The results revealed that, (1) for adults, prosocial non-losses induced more prosocial performance than prosocial gains; (2) for Grade six children, the prosocial willingness to help others avoid negative outcomes was stronger; (3) Grade two children were more willing to help others gain positive outcomes. These results suggest that the recipient's outcomes produced an effect on prosocial performance, and only adults and old children exhibit prosocial loss aversion.
      Relationship between Belief in a Just World and Social Responsibility among Undergraduate Students: The Mediating Role of Interpersonal Trust and the Gender Difference
      YI Mei, TIAN Yuan, MING Hua, HUANG Silin, XIN Ziqiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  282-287.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.04
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      Social responsibility is a relatively stable quality referring to assuming social responsibility or helping others. For undergraduate students, social responsibility was considered to be the effective indicator of a series of positive psychology and behaviors. In this study, 852 college students from 6 universities in China were investigated to examine the mediating effect of interpersonal trust and the moderating role of gender between belief in a just world and social responsibility. The results showed:(1) The belief in a just world was significantly positively related to the sense of social responsibility; (2) The relationship between belief in a just world and social responsibility was mediated by interpersonal trust. However, the mediating effect of interpersonal trust is mainly found among male undergraduate students, but not among female undergraduate students. This meant that the belief in a just world belief could predict male undergraduate students' sense of social responsibility, and interpersonal trust was the intermediary bridge between the relationship.
      A Cross-Temporal Meta-analysis of Changes in Chinese College Students' Achievement Motivation During 1999~2014
      XIN Sufei, WANG Yixin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  288-294.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.05
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      The present study conducted a cross-temporal meta-analysis of 88 papers using Achievement Motivation Scale (AMS) to investigate the changes of Chinese college students' achievement motivation level (N=40801) from 1999 to 2014. Results showed that:(1) The motivation of success was not associated with year, and the motivation of avoiding failure increased significantly over time. However, the total score of achievement motivation among college students decreased significantly over time. It is suggested that the level of achievement motivation of Chinese college students decreased significantly over the past 16 years. (2) The total score of achievement motivation (both male and female college students) decreased significantly over time, whereas scores of other factors (the motivation of success and the motivation of avoiding failure) had no significant changes over time. In addition, there was no significant gender difference in the level of achievement motivation.
      The Influence of Mobile Phone Addiction on Cognitive Failure in Undergraduates: A Moderated Mediation Model
      HE Anming, XIA Yanyu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  295-302.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.06
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      A questionnaire survey was conducted on 471 undergraduates from three universities in Henan Province to investigate the effects of mobile phone addiction on cognitive failure, the mediating role of sleep quality, and the moderating role of neuroticism and extraversion in the direct and indirect relationship between mobile phone addiction and cognitive failure. The results indicated that:(1) Mobile phone addiction can not only directly predict college students' cognitive failure, but also indirectly predict cognitive failure through the sleep quality. (2) Neuroticism plays moderator role in the direct effect and the second half of mediating effects. High neuroticism in direct pathways can increase the impact of mobile phone addiction on cognitive failure. In the mediation path, sleep quality has a greater impact on cognitive failure at low levels of neuroticism. (3) Extraversion plays a moderator role in the latter half of the mediating effect. High extraversion will reduce the impact of sleep quality on cognitive failure.
      Relations between Nostalgia and Pro-social Behavior: A Mediated Moderation Model
      FANG Jiandong, CHANG Baorui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  303-311.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.07
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      This study aimed to explore the psychological mechanism and boundary conditions of nostalgia affecting pro-social behavior. Through two studies, a questionnaire survey of study 1 was conducted among 500 college students and 127 college students in study 2 were recruited to manipulate nostalgia (vs.non-nostalgia). The results of the two studies were consistent:(1) in the process of nostalgia influencing pro-social behavior, meaning in life served a mediating role; (2) the psychological needs satisfaction played a moderating role between nostalgia and pro-social behavior. This study further enriches the literature on nostalgia and pro-social behavior and have important practical significance for the psychological counseling field.
      The Aging of Perceptual Span in Different Word Length Sentences: Evidences from Eye Movement
      ZHANG Jun, TONG Wen, LIU Zhifang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  312-319.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.08
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      The moving window paradigm was used to explore the aging patterns of perceptual span of three types of sentences——1-character-word sentence(consisted entirely by single-character word), 2-character-word sentence(consisted entirely by two-character word) and mixed sentences(the average word length was 1.5 characters). The results were as follows:(1) The perceptual span of older adults in Chinese reading was extended from fixated character to two characters to its right on all kinds of sentences; (2) The younger adults' perceptual span was extended from one character to left and three characters to right in all conditions, which was larger than older adults'. This study revealed that aging would result in Chinese readers' perceptual span being smaller and more asymmetric, and the word length of sentence did not modulate the aging pattern of perceptual span in Chinese.
      The Influence of Communicative Context on Learners' Language Selective Attention in the Learning Process
      ZHANG Hengchao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  320-328.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.09
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      According to the characteristics of communication context, the study created language communication, language communication of shared object, language communication of shared object and expression. It used the communication paradigm to explore the influence of communicative context on learners' language selective attention in the learning process. The results showed that:(1) The overall level of language selective attention was the highest under the condition of language communication; the overall level of selective attention in different contexts increased with the time course of communication. (2) The directivity level under the condition of language communication was the highest; the shared object and expression condition was the lowest, but the concentration level was the highest. Generally speaking, the levels of directivity and concentration relatively steadily increased with the learning process, but the concentration levels of learning stage 1 were significantly higher than that of intermediate learning stage under the condition of language communication and the condition of shared object. The results suggested that:while the communicative context was different, the effects of different non-language factors on the cognitive processing of language were different. The process of cognitive coordination of both sides of communication was influenced by both language and non-language factors. In short, non-language factors reduced the overall and directional levels of language selective attention, but expression factor improved the level of concentration.
      The Learning Performance and Flow Experience in Instructional Design, Based on Cognitive Load Theory
      WANG Shu, YIN Yue, WANG Ting, LIU Guofang, LUO Junlong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  329-337.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.10
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      Instructional design is a teaching plan which guarantees teaching efficiency and progressing. To improve learning performance, cognitive load theory implies that there are two broads of sources that need to be considered when designing instruction:intrinsic and extraneous cognitive loads. However, less research has focused on learner's emotion or feeling during the learning process. As an optimal experience, flow could make learner immersed on learning materials, meanwhile enjoy learning activity and would like to engage in learning activity again. So the current research manipulates both intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load by the type of English vocabulary (compound word and non-compound word), the manner in which the material was presented (text only or text combined with picture) to see whether the instruction design is effective on flow experience and learning performance. The results showed that intrinsic cognitive load had a main effect both in learning performance and flow experience among all participants, while extraneous cognitive load had a main effect in learning performance and a slightly main effect in flow experience only when participants had lower expertise of English. Besides, there was an interaction between two dependent variables in learning performance in lower expertise group. The results indicated that intrinsic cognitive load had a persistent effect on flow experience and learning performance. Beyond that, whether the presenting-mode of materials is effective also depends on the amount of intrinsic cognitive load.
      Discrimination Reversal Learning Between Autism And Their Typically Developing Children Aged 5~6 Years Old
      JIN Yan, HE Ziqiao, YE Tong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  338-343.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.11
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      To examine the reversal flexibility in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), compared with typically developing (TD) children. Forty-four children aged from 5~6 years old (ASD, n=24 and TD, n=20) participated a simple discrimination reversal learning. The results showed that, at the acquisition stage, both ASD and TD groups demonstrated greater sound expectances to a conditioned stimulus (CS) that predicted an aversive sound than for another CS that never followed by the aversive sound. At the reversal learning stage, during the late stage of reversal, the TD group responded more strongly to the new CS that followed by the aversive sound. However, the ASD group had no significant change in the sound expectances of the new CS, indiscriminating the two new conditioned stimuli. The current study demonstrated the reversal flexibility deficit in 5-6-year-old children with ASD.
      The Relationship between Boredom Proneness and Cognitive Failures: The Mediating Role of Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency and its difference between Only and Non-only Child Family
      ZHANG Yali, LI Sen, YU Guoliang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  344-351.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.12
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      With convenient sampling, 522 college students ranged from grade 1 to grade 4 of Hebei University, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Xingtai University located in Hebei Province were recruited to this study. The present study investigated the mediating effects of mobile phone addiction tendency between boredom proneness and cognitive failures, and explored whether the effects were different on Chinese only and non-only child.Results showed that:(1) The sores of boredom proneness, mobile phone addiction and cognitive failure were significantly and positively correlated with each other. (2) External stimulation of boredom proneness positively predicted cognitive failures,and mobile phone addiction tendency partially mediated the pathway. (3)The relationship between internal stimulation of boredom proneness and mobile phone addiction tendency was significantly moderated by whether children were only or non-only child, the effect was found on the only child rather than non-only child.
      The Effects of Life Events on Middle School Students' Depression: The Chain Mediating Effect of Self-esteem and Rumination
      LI Dalin, HUANG Mei, CHEN Wei, WU Wenfeng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  352-359.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.13
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      To explore the chain mediation mechanism among life events, self-esteem, rumination and depression in middle school students. Adolescent life events checklist, self-esteem scale, ruminative responses scale and children's depression inventory were employed into this study to investigate 684 middle school students. The results show that:(1) There is a significant positive correlation between life events and depression in middle school students; (2) self-esteem and rumination play a chain mediation role between negative life events and depression among middle school students. Negative life events are not only the important external factor that result in the depression of middle school students, but also have indirect effects on middle school students' depression by influence self-esteem and rumination. Therefore, important ways to improve and prevent the depression of middle school students are to reduce the impact of life events on psychology, enhance the level of self-esteem and adjust the pattern of negative cognition.
      The Effect of Violent Exposure on Online Aggressive Behavior of College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model
      LU Guizhi, JIN Tonglin, GE Jian, REN Xiuhua, ZHANG Lu, ZHANG Yali, JIANG Yongzhi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  360-367.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.14
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      This present study aimed to explore the relationship among vioent exposure,online aggressive behavior, negative automatic thoughts and self-control, by surveying 600 college students with Violent Exposure Questionnaire(VEQ), Online Aggressive Behavior Scale(OABS), Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire(ATQ) and Self-Control Questionnaire(SCQ) in Heilongjiang University and Harbin Normal University. The results showed that:(1) Vioent exposure had a significant direct effect on online aggressive behavior and negative automatic thoughts played a partial mediating role between them;(2) Self-control moderated the relation between vioent exposure and online aggressive behavior of college students, that is, there was a significant positive relation between vioent exposure and online aggressive behavior under the low self-control level, however, there was a non-significant relation between vioent exposure and online online aggressive behavior under the high self-control level.
      The Effect of Cyber-victimization On Suicidal Ideation: The Chain Mediating Role of Self-esteem and Emotional Coping Style Among Adolescents
      HU Xinglei, YU Si, LIU Qinxue, ZHANG Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  368-375.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.15
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      Suicide is a major social and public health problem which facing the world. In present study, we tested the chain mediating roles of self-esteem and emotional coping style between cyber-victimization and suicidal ideation among adolescents.819 questionnaires were issued and 802 valid questionnaires were finally collected. The research tools were "Cyber-victimization Scale", "Self-esteem Scale", "Coping Style Scale" and "Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation". The results indicated that:Cyber-victimization affects suicidal ideation through three indirect paths:through the mediating role of self-esteem; through the mediating role of emotional coping style; through the chain mediating role of both self-esteem and emotional coping style. Therefore, cyber-victimization not only directly affected adolescents' suicidal ideation, but also indirectly influenced their suicidal ideation through the multiple mediating effects of self-esteem and emotional coping style. In summary, this study uncovered the mechanism underlying the relationship between cyber-victimization and suicidal, which contributes to the understanding of the complex mechanism between cyber-victimization and its outcomes.
      The Cognitive and Neural Mechanism of Body-part Mental Rotation
      CHEN Jialing, HU Qingfen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(3):  376-384.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.03.16
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      Apart from the classical mental rotation task of abstract figures or letters, there is another kind of mental rotation task using hand, foot or other body part images as the stimuli. In the mental rotation of body parts, subjects usually imagine their own body rotating, which is affected by their current postures and biomechanical constraints. In the mental rotation of objects, subjects often imagine stimuli rotating as external objects. Parietal lobe is involved in both types of mental rotation, while the activation of motor-related cortex is mostly found in body-part mental rotation. Discussions concerning how the relationship between mental rotation and physical movement of the body part develops during childhood has not yet come to a conclusion. Future research needs to continue to explore whether the influence of biomechanical constraints on body-part mental rotation is strenghened or weakened as the age increases. The automatical recognition of body images and the plasticity of body-part mental rotation are also issues that can be further explored in the future. Further understanding of body-part mental rotation is also helpful to the application of this task in clinical diagnosis and treatment, as well as training and selection of athletes and pilots.