Psychological Development and Education ›› 2003, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 9-13.

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Developmental Researches on Identity Negative Priming of Chinese Characters

WANG Jing-xin, SHEN De-li   

  1. Research Center of Psychology & Behavior, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300074
  • Online:2003-04-15 Published:2003-04-15

Abstract: Negative priming is a kind of basic experimental paradigm that is used to investigate the inhibition in selective attention.As the controversy of the cognitive researchers have been always focusing on the deletion of identity and location,Chinese characters were used to investigate the inhibition ability on identity of the pupils,the j unior high school students,the undergraduates and the old adults.The result showed that the negative priming of identity has been enhancing from childhood to adult and declines with aging;Chinese characters are also found negative priming as English letters;Negative priming is implicit,which is not affected by consciousness;The error reaction provided the evidence to the reaction selective model of attention.

Key words: Chinese characters, identity inhibition, identity negative priming, age

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