Psychological Development and Education ›› 2010, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 9-13,23.

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Subliminal Negative Affective Stimuli Arouse Opposite Bias in Adults and Children

JIANG Zhong-qing1, YANG Li-zhu1, LIU Ying1, Tarik Bel-Bahar2   

  1. 1. Department of Psychology, Educational College, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029;
    2. Anna Freud Center EEG Lab 21, Maresfield Gardens, London NW3 5SD
  • Online:2010-01-15 Published:2010-01-15

Abstract: This article was to explore the developmental relationship between emotionand cognitain through a subliminal affective primingexperimentwith 183 subjects including childrenaged 5 to 7 years,the youth and the This article was to explore the developmental relationship between emotionand cognitain through a subliminal affective primingexperimentwith 183 subjects including childrenaged 5 to 7 years,the youth and the adults.It fumed out children judged the target as cry after the prime of cry face photo even less thanafter the neutral prime,Whereas,significant emotion-congruent effect was found inadults,they judged the target as cry after the cryprimemore thanafter the neutralprime.No significant affective primingeffectwas found inany group when primed by the smiling face photo.This resultproved the implicitmechanisn of child to deal with subliminal affective infoanation is keeping happy while the adult is earlywaming.

Key words: subliminal, emotion, cognition, adult, children

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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