Psychological Development and Education ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 182-189.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.02.05

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Social Class and College Students' Internet Altruistic Behavior: Moderated Mediating Effect

ZHENG Xianliang1, XIE Fangwei1, DING Liang2, WANG Xue3   

  1. 1. Educational Science School, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 341000;
    2. The Forth People's Hospital of Hefei, Hefei 230022;
    3. Automotive Mechatronics School, Jiangxi Environmental Engineering Vocational College, Ganzhou 341000
  • Published:2021-03-23

Abstract: A questionnaire survey was conducted among a sample of 813 college students to explore the relationship among social class, belief in a just world, online social support and Internet altruistic behavior (IAB). The results indicated that: (1) Subjective social class could significantly predict IAB, while objective social class could not; (2) Belief in a just world acted as a mediator between the relationship of subjective social class and IAB; (3) The mediating effect of belief in a just world was moderated by online social support. That is to say, belief in a just world played a partial mediating effect between subjective social class and IAB for the individuals of high online social support; However, for the individuals of low online social support, the mediating effect of belief in a just world was not significant, the subjective social class only had direct effect on IAB.

Key words: social class, internet altruistic behavior, college students, moderated mediating effect

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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