Psychological Development and Education ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 200-209.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.02.09

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The Development Trend of Depression and Its Concurrency with Problem Behaviors during Middle and Late Childhood: A Two-year Longitudinal Study

SU Zhiqiang1, WANG Gang2, LIU Chuanxing3, ZHANG Dajun4   

  1. 1. Faculty of Teacher Education, Yangtze Normal University, Chongqing 408100;
    2. College of Teachers, Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106;
    3. Sichuan Research Institute of Educational Science, Chengdu 610225;
    4. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest university, Chongqing 400715
  • Online:2018-03-15 Published:2018-03-15

Abstract: This study was conducted to explore the development trend of depression and the sex difference of this trend during Middle and Late Childhood. Besides, Comorbidity of depression and problem behaviors was also being explored in this research. 771 students in grades 3~4 were investigated by Children Depression Scale and Behavior Problem Scale in the time of 2 years. The results indicated as follows:(1) The developmental trajectory of depression during middle and late childhood was non-linear conversion, it is on the decline with the time passed by. However, child's depression showed a upward trend during the late of childhood. (2) The multi-group LGM analysis indicated the gender differences were not significant in the initial level and development speed of depression. (3) The development of depression during middle and late childhood was often accompanied by the problem behaviors.

Key words: depression, problem behaviors, co-occurrence, a longitudinal study

CLC Number: 

  • B844

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