Psychological Development and Education ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 737-749.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.05.14

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From the Cumulative Risk Approach to Dimensional Approach: Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Neurophysiological Development

XIE Mingjun, SUN Jianing, XIAO Jiale, GONG Xinyu, LIN Danhua   

  1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Published:2024-09-19

Abstract: Research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is a trending topic in the field of cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology. Prior literature has demonstrated the wide-ranging, long-lasting impact of ACEs on human development. Disentangling the effects of ACEs could improve the understanding of the developmental mechanisms contributing to child and youth development. In recent years, scholars have turned to exploring the neurophysiological mediating-mechanisms between ACEs and developmental outcomes, specifically the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system and brain structure and functions that are saliently pertinent to children and adolescents’ psychological, behavioral, and academic development. To delve into the impact of ACEs on psychopathology, in this review article, we begin with a review of theoretical frameworks on ACEs and child and youth development, including the classic specificity models of adversity, the cumulative risk model, and the recently developed dimensional model of adversity and psychopathology. We also present the current evidence for the links between ACEs and the HPA axis and brain structure and functions, as well as discuss the roles of essential protective factors in these associations. We call attention to addressing the knowledge gaps in research on ACEs and psychopathology, such as proposing more precise definitions and categories of adversity, unpacking the complexity and comprehensiveness of the impact of specific features of adversity (e.g., timing, duration, severity), and focusing more on the multifaceted, long-lasting effects of ACEs on child and youth development. Finally, we propose a conceptual model of the neurophysiological mediating-mechanisms linking ACEs and developmental outcomes, as well as underscore future directions for work continuing to address how ACEs and multiple neurophysiological systems shape human development.

Key words: childhood adversity, HPA axis function, brain structure, brain function, child and adolescent development

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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