Psychological Development and Education ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 734-743.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.12

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The Association of Parental Childhood Abused Experience with Child's Oppositional Defiant Symptoms: The Role of Parent-child Abuse and Child Anger Management

HOU Xiangning1, DING Wan1, WANG Haiping2, WANG Ying3, LIN Xiuyun1   

  1. 1. School of Developmental Psychology, Institnce of Development Psychology, Beijing Normal Uviversity, Beijing 100875;
    2. Affiliated Primary School to Capital Normal University, Beijing 100195;
    3. Huangchenggen Primary School in Xicheng District of Beijing, Beijing 100034
  • Online:2017-11-15 Published:2017-11-15

Abstract: The purpose of present study was to explore the relationship between parental childhood abused experience and their child's oppositional defiant symptoms. This study also examined the mediated effect of parent-child abuse and the moderated effect of child's anger management through a moderated mediation model. Totally, 359 children with oppositional defiant symptoms of grade 1 to 5 from 14 primary schools and their parents participated in current study and finished the questionnaires containing Oppositional Defiant Symptoms assessment, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and Child Anger Management Scale. On the basis of data analysis, the result revealed:(1) Boys were more likely to develop ODD symptoms than girls and boys were also more likely to be physical abused, emotional neglected and physical neglected by parents than girls. (1) Parental childhood abused experience predicted their child's oppositional defiant symptoms significantly after controlling the influence of child's gender; (2) Parent-child abuse mediated the link between parental childhood abused experience and their child's oppositional defiant symptoms; (3) Child's anger dysregulation moderated the mediation effect significantly. Compare to the low level of anger dysregulation, the parent-child abuse predicted child's oppositional defiant symptoms more robustly when the level of anger dysregulation was high; while the moderated effects of anger cope and anger inhibition were not significant.

Key words: oppositional defiant symptoms, parental childhood abused experience, parent-child abuse, child's anger management

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