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    15 November 2017, Volume 33 Issue 6
    • The School Adaptation Meaning of Children's Resource Acquisition Behaviors: A 5-Year Longitudinal and Cross-cultural Study
      CAO Ruixin, CHEN Huichang, CHEN Xinyin, LIANG Zongbao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  641-648.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.01
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      In the present study, we compared the long-term associations between 7-year-old children's resource acquisition behaviorsand their 11-year-old school adaptationthrough lab observation and questionnaire. There were 160 Chinese children and 133 Canadian childrentook part in this study. At 7 years old, 4 children of same gender and not familiar with each other, were invited tothe observation room, and they were observed as they played with a single novel toy. The follow up studies were conducted in this sample when the children were 11 years old. The children's were asked to self-report their own feeling of recently, such as loneliness, depression, and behavioral problems. Their teachers werecontacted and asked to finish questionnaires assessing children's social and behavioral problems. Statistical analyses revealed the following results:(1) Turn taking behavior was significantly and negatively predicts children's school adaptation. Boys' turn taking behaviors at 7 years old were significantly and positively predict their self-reported anxious when they were 11 years old. While girls' turn taking behaviors were significantly and negatively predict their school attitude. (2) Polite request was significantly and positively predict Chinese children's aggression. Not for Canadian children. (3) Adult seeking has positive adaptation meaning for low failness children. (4) The outcomes of resource acquisition behaviors moderated the predictive relation between children's resource acquisition behaviors at 7 years and their school adaptation at 11 years. Polite request of low success children on resource acquisition was significantly and positively predict their aggression behaviors, while polite request of low failure children was significantly and negatively predict their aggression behaviors. Adult-seeking of low failure children was significantly and negatively predict their self-reported loneliness.
      The Impact of Self-Projection on Episodic Foresight in Young Children: Evidence from Typically Developing Children and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
      LIU Yan, WANG Jing, ZHANG Xiaoyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  649-657.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.02
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      Episodic foresight refers to the ability to mentally project the self into the future and pre-experience an event. To explore the effect of the self-projection on young children's episodic foresight, two experiments were conducted to compare the performance between self-perspective foresight and other-perspective foresight in young children. Two hundred and thirty-six typically developing (TD) children aged 3~5.5 years participated in experiment 1 in a between-subjects design. The results showed that TD children made better judgments for others than for themselves. Experiment 2 in a within-subjects design confirmed the results of experiment 1. More important, there was no significant difference between self-perspective foresight and other-perspective foresight in children with autism spectrum disorder. To conclude, the immature self-projection in young children might interfere with their self-involved episodic foresight, while autistic children with impaired self-projection would not.
      The Influence of the Afternoon Nap on the Retrieral-Induced Forgetting
      MA Xiaofeng, WANG Liling, ZHOU Aibao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  658-665.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.03
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      The present study adopted Retrieral-induced forgetting paradigm, and afternoon nap (1 hour) or distraction task with equal time was inserted between retrieval practice and the final test. Explored influence of the afternoon nap on retrieral-induced forgetting effect through comparing the recall of the nap group and the no-nap group. The result showed that:(1) Correct rate of the recall of Rp-items was significantly lower than the recall of Nrp items in afternoon nap group, thus the retrieral-induced forgetting was found; while, correct rate of the recall of Rp+ items was significantly higher than that of Nrp items, which indicated the retrieval practice effect. (2)There was no significant difference between correct rate of the recall of Rp-and that of Nrp items in afternoon no-nap group, showing that retrieral-induced forgetting effect disappeared after one hour. Therefore, the conclusion suggested that afternoon nap was one of conditions for the retrieval-induced forgetting effect existed chronically. Meanwhile, for the first time to support the episodic inhibition hypothesis from the perspective of short-term sleep.
      The Clean and Dirty Metaphors of Moral Concepts and Its Influence on Moral Judgments
      DING Fengqin, WANG Ximei, LIU Zhao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  666-674.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.04
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      We adopted three experiments to explore the psychological reality of the clean and dirty metaphors of moral concepts and its influence and differences of the environment and self clean-dirty metaphors of moral concepts on moral judgments. The results showed that:(1) The clean and dirty metaphors of moral concepts had the psychological reality, specifically, participants' RTs of judging moral words were significantly faster than the RTs of judging immoral words on the clean background, and their RTs of judging immoral words were significantly faster than the RTs of judging moral words on the dirty background. (2) In comparison to the moral dilemma stories presented on the clean background, it was easier for participants to judge more immoral for the leading roles' behavior of the stories in the moral judgment tasks on the dirty background, which revealed the metaphor consistency effects. (3) Compared with the self dirtiness prime condition, participants judged more immoral for the leading roles' behavior of the stories in the moral judgment tasks in the self cleanliness prime condition, which displayed the metaphor compensation effects. (4)Compared with the environment cleanliness prime condition, participants' judgments were more severe for the moral dilemma stories in the self cleanliness prime condition; compared with the environment dirtiness prime condition, participants' judgments were looser in the self dirtiness prime condition. Generally, the results suggest that the clean and dirty metaphors of moral concepts have the psychological reality. The environment and self clean-dirty metaphors influence participants' moral judgments, but have different effects on the moral judgments.
      Effects of Parenting Styles on Aggression of Junior School students: Roles of Deviant Peer Affiliation and Self-control
      SONG Minghua, CHEN Chen, LIU Shen, LI Junxuan, HOU Yiru, ZHANG Lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  675-682.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.05
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      Based on questionnaire method, the present study was conducted among 631 junior school students to investigate the influence of parenting styles on aggression of junior school students and to explore the mediating effect of deviant peer affiliation as well as the moderating effect of self-control. The results showed that:(1) Negative parenting style significantly and positively predicted deviant peer affiliation as well as aggressive behavior; (2) Deviant peer affiliation played a partially mediating role between negative parenting style and junior school students' aggressive behavior; (3) The mediation of deviant peer affiliation was moderated by self-control. In terms of individuals with low self-control, deviant peer affiliation played a mediating role. But for individuals with high self-control, the mediating effect of deviant peer affiliation was not significant. Negative parenting style had a directly impact on aggressive behavior.
      How Time Perspective Influences Procrastination: Mediating Roles of Time Discounting
      SONG Meige, FENG Tingyong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  683-690.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.06
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      We uesd Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, General procrastination Scale and the delay-discounting-task to explore the influence of time perspective influences procrastination, and the mediation effects of time discounting. The results showed that:(1) For the sample of 553 youngsters, the stepwise multiple regression analysis and the dominance analysis were showed that Future dimension in the prediction of procrastination contribution is the largest; (2) For the sample of 121 youngsters, the mediation effect analysis showed that future time orientation to delay discounting rate k significantly important prediction. In conclusion, the findings indicate that time perspective is an important individual trait, which should be considered into affecting factors of procrastination. Time perspective is to some extent by influencing the individual time discounting rate to affect the procrastination behavior.
      Impaired Disengagement from Negative Emotional Faces in Youth with Internet Addiction
      LEI Yuju, HE Jinbo, NIU Gengfeng, ZHOU Zongkui, TIAN Yuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  691-699.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.07
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      It has been consistently found that Internet Addiction Disorder(IAD) has deficits in realistic social interaction while not in online interaction. The ability to perceive human face is the basis of social activities. Realistic and online interaction deal with different kinds of faces, the former is usually realistic faces while the latter is usually cartoon faces.A visual search paradigm was used to investigate attentional biases to realisticistic and cartoon emotinal faces in individuals who suffer from Internet Addiction Disorder and in controls.Totally 382 adolescents were identified based on Young's Online Internet Addiction test (IAT), and were selected15 IADs, and 18 HCs.The results showed that IADs showed quick orientation to angry face in real face and cartoon face condition; especially with showing the fastest detecting the angry face from the cartoon face matrix. More importantly, compared with the HCs, IADs had difficult disengagement from angry faces only in real face condition. IADs showed more negative emotional attentional bias to realisticistic faces than cartoon faces, with taking a longer time to disengage from realistic faces matrix. The results suggested that difficult disengagement from threatening stimuliaffect IADs' attentional bias to realisticistic and cartoon emotional faces.
      The Relationship between Vocational Personality and Subjective Well-Being in Elementary and Secondary School Teachers: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement
      LIAN Kunyu, XIE Shanshan, LIN Rongmao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  700-707.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.08
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      The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between vocational personality and subjective well-being in elementary and secondary school teachers, and test the mediating role of work engagement during this relationship. Totally 692 elementary and secondary school teachers were recruited, and they completed questionnaires relating to vocational personality, subjective well-being, and work engagement. Results showed that:(1) professional teachers manifested more matching with and fitting to teaching environment than novice and proficient teachers in vocational personality; (2) vocational personality was positively correlated with subjective well-being, and this relationship was partially mediated by work engagement; (3) there were differences among novice, proficient, and professional teachers in the relationship between vocational personality and subjective well-being:in the novice teachers, the direct effect was significant, whereas the mediation effect was not significant; in the proficient teachers, both direct and mediation effects were significant; in the professional teachers, the direct effect was not significant, but the mediation effect was significant. This study suggested that vocational personality that more matching with and fitting to teaching environment helps teachers' work engagement, and further leads to higher subjective well-being.
      Associations among Interpersonal Relationships and High Students' Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: The Mediating Roles of Self-Esteem and Gender Differences
      NIE Ruihong, ZHOU Nan, ZHANG Yuchi, FANG Xiaoyi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  708-718.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.09
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      This study sampled 794 high students from four middle schools in Beijing, and examined the distinct associations of parent-child relationships, teacher-student relationships, and peer relationships with high school students' internalizing and externalizing problems as well as the mediating roles of self-esteem. The results showed:(a) The associations between teacher-student relationship quality and students' internalizing and externalizing problems were stronger than those between students' adjustment difficulties and parent-child relationships and peer relationships; (b) Self-esteem served as a linking mechanism that explained the associations of parent-child, teach-student, and peer relationships with internalizing problems but not with externalizing problems. (c) Gender differences emerged such that self-esteem mediated the link between peer relationships and girls' internalizing problems but not boys' internalizing problems.
      Perceived Discrimination and Social Alienation among Chinese Migrant Children: A Moderated Mediation Model
      ZHANG Yan, DU Anzheng, TANG Dingliang, LEI Tingting, ZHOU Yangen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  719-726.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.10
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      The present study investigated the relationship between perceived discrimination and Chinese migrant children's social alienation, and explored the mediating effect of identity integration as well as the moderating effect of social support. Based on questionnaire method, 1101migrant children were recruited to participate in the study. Results were as follows:(1) After controlling for gender, types of school and times of transferring to another school, perceived discrimination significantly positively predicted migrant children's social alienation. (2) Identity integration partially played mediating role in the relationship between perceived discrimination and social alienation. (3) The mediating effect of identity integration was positively moderated by social support, The indirect effect was stronger for migrant children with high social support than those with low social support. Thus, both mediating and moderating effects exist in the association between perceived discrimination and migrant children's social alienation. These findings contribute to our understanding of a comprehensive interpretation of both environmental and individual factors' impact on Chinese migrant children's social alienation.
      Prospective Links between Adolescent Friendship Qualities and Social Anxiety: A Cross-Lagged Analysis
      ZHONG Ping, DENG Huihua, ZHANG Guangzhen, LIANG Zongbao, LU Zuhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  727-733.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.11
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      The current three-wave longitudinal study aimed to examine prospectively reciprocal links between friendship quality and social anxiety and the dynamic changes during a three-year period in junior high school. Cross-lagged regression analyses revealed that lower levels of friendship affection-satisfactory factor at Grade 8 could significantly predict the increase in social anxiety at Grade 9. Higher social anxiety could significantly predict the decrease in friendship affection-satisfactory factor next year during the three years. In contrast the longitudinally reciprocal relationship was not true for friendship conflict factor during the three years. These results indicated that there is a prospectively reciprocal link between friendship affection-satisfactory factor and social anxiety among adolescents. Additionally, the link shows a dynamic change across the three academic years.
      The Association of Parental Childhood Abused Experience with Child's Oppositional Defiant Symptoms: The Role of Parent-child Abuse and Child Anger Management
      HOU Xiangning, DING Wan, WANG Haiping, WANG Ying, LIN Xiuyun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  734-743.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.12
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      The purpose of present study was to explore the relationship between parental childhood abused experience and their child's oppositional defiant symptoms. This study also examined the mediated effect of parent-child abuse and the moderated effect of child's anger management through a moderated mediation model. Totally, 359 children with oppositional defiant symptoms of grade 1 to 5 from 14 primary schools and their parents participated in current study and finished the questionnaires containing Oppositional Defiant Symptoms assessment, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and Child Anger Management Scale. On the basis of data analysis, the result revealed:(1) Boys were more likely to develop ODD symptoms than girls and boys were also more likely to be physical abused, emotional neglected and physical neglected by parents than girls. (1) Parental childhood abused experience predicted their child's oppositional defiant symptoms significantly after controlling the influence of child's gender; (2) Parent-child abuse mediated the link between parental childhood abused experience and their child's oppositional defiant symptoms; (3) Child's anger dysregulation moderated the mediation effect significantly. Compare to the low level of anger dysregulation, the parent-child abuse predicted child's oppositional defiant symptoms more robustly when the level of anger dysregulation was high; while the moderated effects of anger cope and anger inhibition were not significant.
      The Effects of Cultural Intelligence on Minority Preparatory Undergraduates' Subjective Well-being: The Chain Mediating Effect of Mainstream Cultural Identity and Self-esteem
      YE Baojuan, FANG Xiaoting, DONG Shenghong, JIN Ping, LIAO Yaqiong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  744-750.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.13
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      In recent years, the number of minority preparatory undergraduates has gradually increased. The present study aimed to explore the chain mediation mechanism among cultural intelligence, mainstream cultural identity, self-esteem and minority preparatory undergraduates' subjective well-being. 648 minority preparatory undergraduates (383 boys and 265 girls, Mage=19.41±1.08) were recruited in the study to complete self-report questionnaires. The self-report questionnaires used in this study included cultural intelligence scale, mainstream cultural identity scale, self-esteem questionnaire and subjective well-being questionnaire. The results indicated that:(1) Self-esteem mediated the effect of cultural intelligence on minority preparatory undergraduates' subjective well-being; (2) Mainstream cultural identity mediated the effect of cultural intelligence on minority preparatory undergraduates' self-esteem. Cultural intelligence could directly influence minority preparatory undergraduates' subjective well-being, as well as through influenced mainstream cultural identity and self-esteem, ultimately influenced minority preparatory undergraduates' subjective well-being.
      The Relationship between Selfie Editing and Subjective Well-being among Female College Students: The Mediating Role of Positive Feedback and Self-concept
      MENG Nan, WANG Yuhui, LEI Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  751-758.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.14
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      This study was based on the self-discrepancy theory and self-verification theory. To explore the relationship between selfie editing, positive feedback, self-concept and subjective well-being among female college students, a survey research method was adopted in which the Selfie Editing Questionnaire, the Online Selfies' Positive Feedback Questionnaire, the General Self-concept Scale as well as the Subjective Well-being Scale were administered to 550 female college students. The results indicated that:(1) The relationships between each pair of the frequency of selfie editing, positive feedback, self-concept as well as subjective well-being, were significantly positive. (2) The frequency of selfie editing affected subjective well-being among female college students through three indirect paths:through the mediating role of positive feedback; through the mediating role of self-concept; through the chain mediating role of both positive feedback and self-concept. (3) Positive feedback and self-concept play a full mediating role in the relationship between the frequency of selfie editing and subjective well-being among female college students. The results of this study further reveal the mechanism of the effect of selfie editing on subjective well-being, and provide the basis for the healthy use and improvement of social networking sites.
      The Psychological Mechanism and Influential Factors of Adolescent NSSI: An Emotion Regulation Perspective
      WANG Quanquan, WEI Ming, LIU Xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(6):  759-768.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.06.15
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      Adolescents is at high risk of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), which is closely related to the emotion regulation function of NSSI. Several explanatory models, including the biosocial model, experiential avoidance model and emotion regulation model, were put forward to enhance our understanding of the central role of emotion regulation in the onset and maintenance of NSSI. In this review, several risk factors related to emotion have been discussed, including biological factors, interpersonal factors and personality traits. Future research should focus on the longitudinal study, the interaction between gene and environment and the application of brain imaging technique.