Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 434-440.

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Relationship Between College students’ Contingencies of Self-Worth and Subjective Well-Being

WANG Lei1, ZHENG Xue2   

  1. 1. School of Public Administration, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006;
    2. School of Educational Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631
  • Online:2011-07-15 Published:2011-07-15

Abstract: To explore the relationship between contingencies of self-worth and subjective well-being,and to further understand the nature of contingencies of self-worth and subjective well-being,a questionnaire was developed to measure 186 college students'contingencies of self-worth,global self-worth,and subjective well-being.Good con struct validity and reliability of the measures,especially subjective well-being scales,which were translated from English version,were supported by data analysis.The multiple regression analysis indicated that interpersonal ac ceptance contingency of self-worth had negative direct effect on positive affect,and moral principle contingency of self-worth had positive direct effect on life satisfaction and positive affect,when controlling for global self-worth; the structure equation modeling showed a pattern that interpersonal acceptance contingency and moral principle contin gency both had indirect effect on affect element of subjective well-being through the mediating role of global self worth.In details,interpersonal acceptance contingency of self-worth had negative indirect effect on positive affect and had positive indirect effect on negative affect,and moral principle contingency of self-worth had positive indi rect effect on positive affect and had negative indirect effect on negative affect.Furthermore,structure equation a nalysis also indicated that global self-worth had negative relation with positive affect and had positive relation with negative affect,interpersonal acceptance contingency of self-worth had negative relation with self-worth,and moral principle contingency of self-worth had positive relation with self-worth.Above all,contingencies of self-worth had complicated relations with all elements of subjective well-being,and potentially were more important dimension of self-esteem when discussing subjective well-being affairs,comparing with level of self-esteem or self-worth.

Key words: college students, self-esteem, contingencies of self-worth, subjective well-being

CLC Number: 

  • B844.3
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