Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 401-411.

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The Effect of Social Support and Perceived Discrimination on Loneliness Among Migrant Children:A Longitudinal Study

HOU Shu-Meng1, YUAN Xiao-Jiao1, LIU Yang2, LIN Xiu-Yun1, FANG Xiao-Yi1   

  1. 1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
    2. Institution of Psychology and Behavior, Beihang University, Beijing, 100191 China
  • Online:2011-07-15 Published:2011-07-15

Abstract: This study discusses the characteristics of loneliness,discrimination,and change in social support over time in relation to its effects on migrant children in China.With the goal of exploring the effect that social support mechanisms and perceived discrimination have on loneliness among migrant children,the present study uses a lon gitudinal method over the course of one-year.From public schools in Beijing and schools designed for migrant chil dren,we tracked 1,164 migrant children's degree of loneliness,perceived discrimination,and social support sys tems.At the end of the year,out of the original 1,164,we were able to successfully track and analyze data from 680 participants.The results show that:(1) The longer the amount of time spent living in urban city,less loneli ness and perceived discrimination was reported,and amount of social support increased significantly.(2) The effect of social support and perceived discrimination on loneliness among migrant children is an interactional devel opment process:at the pretest measurement,social support and perceived discrimination had a combined influence on migrant children's reported degree of loneliness; also,pretest loneliness was found to influence posttest per ceived discrimination and social support,and thus,affect migrant children's posttest loneliness.During this stage of development,social support can directly affect loneliness,it can also indirectly influence loneliness through per ceived discrimination; however,perceived discrimination can only influence loneliness in a direct way.(3) Pretest perceived discrimination and social support did not have a significant direct effect on posttest loneliness,but they did indirectly affect posttest loneliness by influencing posttest discrimination and social support.

Key words: migrant children, loneliness, perceived discrimination, social support, longitudinal study

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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