Psychological Development and Education ›› 2010, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 274-281.

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Family Functioning and Adolescents’ Alienation: Moderating Effect of Peer Acceptance and its Gender Difference

XU Fu-zhen, ZHANG Wen-xin   

  1. School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, Chian
  • Online:2010-05-15 Published:2010-05-15

Abstract: Alienation refers to a negative emotional state that individual is disengaged from a group that he or she belonged to.Adolescence is a period of heightened risk for high levels of alienation,which could lead to various problem behaviors and even juvenile delinquency.Existing research suggested that adolescents who are alienated from family could seek for a sense of belonging from peer groups,and that peer acceptance could be a protective factor for adolescent development.The major aims of the present study were to examine the impact of family functioning and peer acceptance on adolescents'alienation,and whether or how these two important contextual factors interact in influencing adolescent's alienations.608 adolescents (317 boys and 291 girls) attending middle and high schools in an urban center of Shandong Province were administered with the Adolescent Alienation Scale,Family Function Scale and Peer Nomination survey.Results were as follows:Family functioning could significantly predict adolescents' alienation,adolescents with poor family functioning reported higher levels of alienations.Overall,peer acceptance had a moderating effect on the relationship of family functioning with adolescent's alienation.However,further analysis demonstrated that the moderating effect of peer acceptance was only significant in the male sample,while for females,the moderating of peer acceptance was not significant,suggesting that peer acceptance can serve as a protective factor in preventing male but not female adolescents with poor family functioning from developing undesirable high alienations.

Key words: adolescent, alienation, family functioning, peer acceptance

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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