Psychological Development and Education ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 36-41.

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An Experimental Study of The Development of Accuracy of “Judgment of Confidence”

TANG Wei-hai1, LIU Xi-ping1,2, FANG Ge2   

  1. School of Education, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300073
  • Online:2005-04-15 Published:2005-04-15

Abstract: The current research adopted 3×3×2(age,material,sex)mixed factor design,chose 54 subjects(18 from Grade Two of Elementary School,18 from Grade Two of J unior High School,and Grade Two of College) according to their school achievements(excellent,average,poor),half male,used three different difficulties of material,and tested all the subjects'JOC.The results are as follows(1)there is a rapid enhancing of accuracy of JOC between grade two of elementary school and grade two of junior high middle school,but not between grade two of junior high middle school and grade two of college.There is a better accuracy of JOC with the easier material. (2)there is no difference of accuracy of JOC between the subjects with different genders.It is condued that the The distance between rating of JOC and memory performance is changed with ages and difficulties.

Key words: memory monitoring, confidence of retrieving, accuracy

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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