Psychological Development and Education ›› 2001, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 57-64.

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Research on the characteristics of Middle School Students’ Self-Concept and the Relationship between Self-Concept and Academic Achievement


  • Online:2001-10-15 Published:2001-10-15

Abstract: With the participation of 428 middle school students, this study explored the characteristics of middle school students' self-concept and the relationship between self-concept and academic achievement.The results are the followings: (1) On the general scale and 2 subscales of self-concept, the differences of sex and grade are significant, but no significant interaction.(2) There're significant interaction of grade and sex on the general school self-concept.(3) On the dimension of verbal, math, general school, physical abilities, parental relations, Honesty-trust worthiness, General self and 2 subscales and general scale, the students with different levels of academic achievement have different self-concepts.(4) There're significant positive correlations between students' academic achievement and their self-concepts.Meanwhile, general school self predicted total academic score more than others.

Key words: self-concept, academic achievement, middle school students

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