心理发展与教育 ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 420-426.

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代曼, 刘儒德, 邸妙词, 马雪莹, 徐乐   

  1. 北京师范大学心理学院, 北京 100875
  • 出版日期:2014-07-15 发布日期:2014-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 刘儒德,E-mail:liurude@126.com E-mail:liurude@126.com

The Effects of Working Memory Load and Automatic Retrieval on Elementary School Students Mental Addition Strategy Execution

DAI Man, LIU Ru-de, DI Miao-ci, MA Xue-ying, XU Le   

  1. School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Online:2014-07-15 Published:2014-07-15

摘要: 本研究选取43名小学四年级学生(18名男生和25名女生)为实验被试,探究了工作记忆负荷和自动化提取对复杂加法心算策略效果的影响.结果显示:(1)工作记忆负荷对复杂加法心算策略的影响显著,即一项加法心算策略所需的工作记忆负荷越小,该策略的执行效果越好;(2)自动化提取对加法心算策略的影响显著,即一项加法心算策略所需自动化提取的程度越高,该策略的执行效果越好;(3)工作记忆负荷和自动化提取对加法心算策略效果的交互作用显著,表现为在自动化提取水平较高的情况下,工作记忆负荷的大小对心算策略执行效果的影响差异不显著;而在自动化提取水平较低的情况下,工作记忆负荷小的心算策略的执行效果显著优于工作记忆负荷大的心算策略的执行效果.

关键词: 工作记忆负荷, 自动化提取, 加法心算策略, 小学生

Abstract: Previous research has shown that the strategy execution of mental arithmetic was affected by two main factors: working memory and automatic retrieval, but so far few researchers have studied the interactive effects of them. Based on a sample of 43 elementary school students (18 boys and 25 girls), the present study used preset addition tasks to require participants to perform different arithmetic strategies, and then to explore the effects of working memory load and automatic retrieval on the strategy execution of complex addition. Both of the two independent variables had two levels, for which working memory load was divided into partial decomposition and full decomposition, and automatic retrieval was divided into one-carry and two-carry, so resulted in a 2(working memory load)×2(automatic retrieval) within subjects experiment. Results were as follows: (1) working memory load had a significant influence on strategy execution, the less the load of working memory, the better the results of strategy execution; (2) the effect of automatic retrieval on strategy execution was also significant, the higher the degree of automatic retrieval, the better the outcome of strategy execution; (3) the interaction between working memory load and automatic retrieval reached significant, as in the case of high degree of automatic retrieval, the discretion of the working memory load on the results of strategy execution was not different; while in the case of low degree of automatic retrieval, students' performance with little working memory load was better than with large working memory load.

Key words: working memory load, automatic retrieval, mental addition strategy, elementary school students


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