心理发展与教育 ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 46-53.

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张丽, 辛自强   

  1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所, 北京, 100875
  • 出版日期:2008-04-15 发布日期:2008-04-15
  • 基金资助:

Prior Analysis and Post Hoc Analysis on the Complexity of the Balance Scale Task

ZHANG Li, XIN Zi-qiang   

  1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University 100875
  • Online:2008-04-15 Published:2008-04-15

摘要: 任务复杂性的分析和评估是心理测量学和认知心理学都非常关注的重要主题。以264名小学四、五、六年级儿童为被试,平衡秤任务为研究材料,考察任务在未旋转时第一个因素上的载荷(事后分析)能否作为评价任务复杂性的一个指标,以及关系-表征复杂性模型对平衡秤任务复杂性分析(事前分析)的有效性两个问题。结果表明:平衡秤任务施测后所得所有项目的因素载荷与其难度之间没有显著正相关,即因素载荷的高低没有反映平衡秤任务复杂性的大小;而基于关系-表征复杂性模型对任务的事前分析所确定的任务等级复杂性和知识经验对任务难度的解释率为95.0%,可见,关系-表征复杂性模型提供的分析任务复杂性的思路和方法是较为合理的。

关键词: 关系-表征复杂性模型, 任务复杂性, 任务难度, 因素分析

Abstract: The aims of this study were to explore if the loadings on the first un rotated factor can be taken as a way to evaluate the task complexity of the balance scale task and to explore the validity of the prior analysis on the balance scale task based on the Relational-Representational Complexity Model. 264 children from grade 4, 5 and 6 were presented with a computerized balance scale task. There were 51 items and six item types, including weight problems, distance problems, weight distance problems, conflict weight problems, conflict distance problems, and conflict balance problems. Results showed that: (1) the loadings of all balance scale items on the first un rotated factor and the difficulty of those items had no significant positive relation. It might be that task complexity could be quantified by the loadings on the first un-rotated factor only when the difficulty of task was moderate. (2) The analysis of task complexity based on the Relational-Representational Complexity Model could predict task difficulty (R2=0 95), which indicated that the model was valid in analyzing the complexity of the balance scale task.

Key words: Relational-Representational Complexity Model, task complexity, task difficulty, factor analysis

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