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    15 January 2000, Volume 16 Issue 1
    • Social Support during the Transition to University: Its Characteristics and Change
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  1-5. 
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      The present study examined the characteristics and change of social support during the transition to university among 374 freshmen.The results indicated that the levels of social support from parents,peers and teachers were significantly different both at the beginning and the end of the first semester.The levels of freshmen's perception of total social support and the support from parents and peers increased while the levels of social support from teachers decreased after the freshmen entered the universities.The correlation analysis showed that the change in the levels of freshimen's perception of total social support was associated with the support from parents and peers in universities more closely.
      The Influence of Training on Rejected and Neglected Children
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  6-11. 
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      The purpose of this study is to examine the different influence of three differenttraining methods on rejected children and neglected children aged 4-6 year in kindergarten.The subjects were sixteen rejected children and sixteen neglected children who were selected by using peer nomination measurement.The training methods consist of behavioral training,cognitive training and emotional training.The results show that (1) There is no significant differences of effect between three training methods.(2) The cognitive training is more suitable for rejected children and the behavioral training is more suitable for neglected children.(3) There are age discrepancies in use of training methods.The behavioral training has more effects on younger children and the cognitive and emotional training have significant advantage for older children.
      Research on the Development of Self-conscionsness in Audescence
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  12-18. 
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      The purpose of this study is to examine development of the student's general self-esteem,specific self-consciousness and independent consciousness from 7 to 11 grade.The result shows that:1.With grade's improving,the general self-esteem,specific self-consciousness and independent consciousness become gradually more and more deep and stable.2.The focus of student's self-consciousness is gradually converted from physioloical aspects to mental aspects and social intercourse.3.The development of student's general self-esteem differs from that of the specific self-consciousness.
      The Experimental Study about Children’s Judhment and Attribution Patterns of Moral Emotion in Prosocial Context
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  19-23. 
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      Using the approach of the clinica1 conversation as to the story's context,thisstudy ana1yses judgment and attribution patterns of mora1 emotion of 4-and 6-year-o1d children in prosocial moral contexs.The results are shown as fo1lowing: (1) In prosocial contexts,young children are inclined to judge the actor can experience negative emotion,while older chi1dren be1ieve the actor wi11 be glad due to his good deed; (2) In attribution tasks,4-year-o1d chi1dren are consequence-oriented,whi1e six are from consequence-oriented to moral-oriented; (3) The prosocia1 types don't effect judgement and attribution of moral emotion,(4) Even 4-year-old can make judgment and attribution for his own emotional experience accord with moral ru1es in perspective-taking tasks.
      4-and 5-Year-Old Children’s Counting: Its Principles and Appliance
      周燕, 庞丽娟, 赵红利
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  24-29. 
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      04 young children from three kindergartens' middle classes were tested for their counting competence.We used the standard counting task to test children's principled understanding of counting.As Gelman and Gallistel (1978) have found,we deduced the stable-order principle,the one-to-one principle and the cardinality principle in Chinese children's counting.And we also found that 4-and 5-year-old children can't apply counting to solve simple arithmetic problems in number reproduction task.
      The Study of the Influencing Factors on Parental Awareness
      桑标, 杜乃芳
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  30-36. 
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      In this study the concept of parental awareness is hypothesized to explain why parents adopt different types of parenting.Using a questionnaire in samples of 300 couples of parents,we found that: (1) There was no age effect of maternal awareness and fatherly awareness; (2) There were no educational level and vocation effects of the fatherly awareness; (3) There were significant differences both in maternal awareness and fatherly awareness according to the different parenting person; (4) For the maternal awareness,there was neither child age effect nor child sex effect,for the fatherly awareness,there was no child age effect but existed child sex effect.
      A Study on Junior’s Preinstructional Conceptions about Chemistry——Research on Psychology of Learning Science
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  37-42. 
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      The exploration and transformation on students' preinstructional conceptions is a gotspot in the field of science learning psychology and science educational research.The systemic study on it hasn't been carried out in China,however.In this investigation,153 juniors have a written test on their preinstructional conceptions about chemistry and some representative students were interviewed.The investigation indicated that it's very popular that the juniors own preinstructional conceptions on some basic concepts of chemistry,especially alternative frameworks.On the base of the investigation,the trait,types and sources of the conceptions are also discussed.Some instructional strategies are put forward to impel students to change their own conceptual frameworks and develop their understanding of chemical concepts.
      Research on the Learning Strategies in Mathematics
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  43-47. 
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      Based on the investigation on 437 grade eight students' motivation and strategies in mathematics learning,this study continued to explore the effect of different training methods,training time,and student's gender on the mathematics learning.Result indicated that (1) the training methods (etc,discussing,thinking with the experiment's guides,teacher's instruction in class) make an impacton the result of training; (2) the time of training effect its result; (3) the result of training also is influenced by the student's gender.
      A Development Study on Five-factor Personality Questionaire for MIddle School Students
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  48-54. 
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      on the basis of previous studies and interview of midd1e school students,Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire for Midd1e School Students was deve1oped.This questionnaire was used to analyze personality of 304 middle school students.Results showed:a) Five major factors were abstracted by exploratory factor ana1ysis.The five factors were named Openness,Extraversion,Agreeableness,Conscientiousness and Neuroticism.b) The reliability and validity of the Questionnaire was satisfactory.The Cronbach's α,correlation coefficients between each domain and the tota1 score,and half-split reliability of the questionnaire were high enough.Each domain of the questionnaire was significant related to that of NEO PI-R.Student's self-rating and parents' rating were also related.
      Making of the ADHD Scale for Elementary School Students
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(1):  55-59,23. 
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      The paper describes our working in the first ADHD scale in China.The scale contains five factors: they are inattentive,hyperactive,impulsive,arousing problem and immaturity.The inestigatition show that the scale get a satisfied reliability and validity.The re-test reliability of the scale is 8902.The same quality of the scale is between.9202-.9448.