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    15 January 2019, Volume 35 Issue 1
    • Study on the Development of Executive Function Subcomponents in 3-6-year-old Children
      WANG Jingmei, ZHANG Yibin, ZHENG Chenye, LU Yingjun, QIN Jinliang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  1-10.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.01
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      Executive Functions, which were rapidly developed at early age, refer to a set of cognitive abilities involved in the control and coordination of information in the service of goal-directed activities. By using a newly developed Executive Function Task Battery, 210 3-6-year-old Chinese children (6 groups, each 6-month interval) were asked to finish the tasks, which test the developmental changes of the subcomponents of Executive Function (Working Memory, Inhibitory Control and Cognitive Flexibility).The results showed that the EF ability were rapidly improved during the development, especially in Inhibitory Control and Cognitive Flexibility of 4-year-old preschoolers; but the EF ability was increased out of step, which Inhibitory Control came first and Working Memory came last. The positive moderate correlations were found between the subcomponents. In conclusion, EF ability improved significantly during the early age, but was not inconformity. We suggest the selection of age on children' EF ability study can be accurate to 6 months.
      Subliminally Security Priming Improve the Attention Processing among Females with Insecure Attachment
      MA Yuanxiao, CHEN Xu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  11-22.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.02
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      Using event related potentials, the present study adopted subliminal affective priming paradigm to explore the improvement effect of subliminal security priming on the attentional processing of infant facial expressions within insecurely attached females. In support of our hypothesis, behavioral results indicated that with subliminal security priming, anxiously and avoidantly attached females performed better in observing crying infant faces in terms of lower rating of sadness level and longer fixation time. ERP results showed that subliminal security priming resulted in greater N1 and P3 amplitudes, as well as a more optimal P2 latency to crying infant faces than subliminal neutral priming in anxiously and avoidantly attached females. These results suggest that the subliminal security priming significantly improved the attention processing defect in insecure attachment, especially for attenuating the defensive response of avoidantly attached females. Moreover, the improvement effect of subliminal security priming not only exhibited in the early attention processing but also extended to the later controlled attention processing.
      Parental Autonomy Support and Adolescents' Future Planning: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs and Personal Growth Initiative
      XU Danjia, YU Chengfu, DOU Kai, LIANG Ziqin, LI Zhenhua, NIE Yangang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  23-31.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.03
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      Based on self-determination theory, the present study investigated the relationships between adolescents' perceived parental autonomy support and future planning, and the chained mediating effect of basic psychological need and personal growth initiative in the relationship. 526 middle school students of four schools (2 junior high schools and 2 high schools) were recruited in the study to complete the Parental Autonomy Support Scale, Basic Psychological Need Scale, Personal Growth Initiative Scale (PGIS) and Future Planning Scale. The results indicated that:(1) parental autonomy support can only positively predict adolescents' future planning for education, but not for occupation; (2) basic psychological needs and personal growth initiative play a role of chained mediating in the prediction of parental autonomy support for adolescents' future planning; (3) after bringing the mediating effect of psychological needs and personal growth initiative into the relationship, parental autonomy support has significant negative residual effects on adolescents' future occupation planning, but that on future education planning is not significant. This suggests that the impact of parental autonomy support on the future planning of adolescents may be bad.
      The Effect of Competitive Context on Player's Cooperative Tendency and Aggressive Tendency in the Non-violent Video Game
      SUN Jiayi, LIU Yanling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  32-39.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.04
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      Neutral video games and prosocial video games were used to explore the effect of competitive video game context on player's cooperative tendency and aggressive tendency,which were measured respectively by one-shot version of a two-person give-some dilemma and hot sauce paradigm. Results show that:(1) Compared to the solo context, the competitive context can significantly reduce the player's cooperative tendency in playing neutral video game or prosocial video game:(2) Compared to the solo context, the competitive context can significantly increase the player's aggressive tendency in playing neutral video game. However, in the dimension of prosocial video game, the competitive context had no effect on player's aggressive tendency. These results suggest that the video game context is one of important factors that affect the player's behavioral tendency, and the competitive context has a negative effect on the player's behavior tendency in the non-violent video game. But to a certain extent the prosocial video game can inhibit the negative effect of competitive context.
      Filial Piety Comes First? The Relationship Between Filial Piety Belief and Internet Addiction of College Students
      WEI Hua, DUAN Haicen, DING Qian, ZHOU Zongkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  40-47.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.05
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      Based on dual filial piety model and cognitive-behavioural model of pathological Internet use, this study examines the effect of dual filial piety belief on Internet addiction and tests the mediating effect of maladaptive cognition. Participants are 1152 college students. We adopt dual filial piety scale, maladaptive cognition scale and Internet addiction scale. The results are as follows. (1) Reciprocal filial piety is negatively correlated with maladaptive cognition and Internet addiction, respectively; authoritarian filial piety is positively correlated with maladaptive cognition and Internet addiction; maladaptive cognition and Internet addiction are positively correlated. (2) Maladaptive cognition mediates the relationship between filial piety belief and Internet addcition. Specifically, reciprocal filial piety negatively affects maladaptive cognition, authoritarian filial piety positively affects maladaptive cognition and maladaptive cognition positively affects Internet addiction. Our results indicate that filial piety belief, rooted in traditional Chinese culture, affects Internet addiction through the mediating effect of maladaptive cognition. Reciprocal filial piety and authoritarian filial piety reversely affects maladaptive cognition and Internet addiction.
      Relations between Fixed Mindset and Engagement in Math among High School Students: Roles of Academic Self-efficacy and Negative Academic Emotions
      JIANG Shuyang, LIU Rude, ZHEN Rui, HONG Wei, JIN Fangkai
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  48-56.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.06
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      Previous studies have highlighted the impact of mathematic engagement on math achievement. Among many factors affecting students' mathematic engagement, the role of mindset has been recognized by researchers over the past few years, but little is known about the mediating mechanisms underlying this relation. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between mindset and engagement in math, and to explore the mediating effect of academic self-efficacy and negative academic emotions. By using the relevant questionnaires, fixed mindset, academic self-efficacy, negative academic emotions (shame and boredom) and mathematic engagement of 1064 high school students were measured. The results revealed that the negative association between fixed mindset and mathematic engagement was mediated by academic self-efficacy and boredom. These findings contribute to complement and extend the understanding of factors affecting students' engagement in math.
      The Influence of Morphological Awareness and Oral Vocabulary Knowledge on Chinese Children's Reading Ability: A Longitudinal Study
      FANG Chenghao, CHENG Yahua, WU Xinchun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  57-67.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.07
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      This longitudinal study examined whether oral vocabulary knowledge would mediate the association between morphological awareness and reading ability (reading accuracy, reading fluency, and reading comprehension) using a three-year cross-lagged design with a sample of 149 Chinese children. The present results showed that (1) Obvious increases with time were observed in morphological awareness, oral vocabulary knowledge, and reading ability. (2) Morphological awareness at T1 made significant indirect contributions to reading ability at T3 via oral vocabulary knowledge at T2 beyond the auto-regression and the effects of reading-related skills. The results revealed significant indirect effects of morphological awareness on reading ability via oral vocabulary knowledge.
      The Influence of High School Students' Values on School Engagement: The Mediating Role of Future Goals and Motivation Internalization
      GU Tingyu, GAI Xiaosong, WANG Guoxia, LIU Fangqing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  68-75.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.08
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      The aim of this study is to examine whether values can influence school engagement of senior high school students by influencing their future goals and motivation internalization in the context of China. Using convenient sampling, 1022 high school students from 7 schools in six cities were selected as participants. Each participant was asked to fill out values scale, future goals scale, learning motivation scale, school engagement scale. The results showed that:(1) Beyond-the-self-oriented values and improve-the-self-oriented values were linked to more school engagement, and this link was mediated by intrinsic future goals and by more internalized learning motivation, while materialism was linked to less school engagement, and this link was mediated by extrinsic future goals and by more externalized learning motivation; (2) Considering the role of values on future goals, the influence of future goals on learning motivation became insignificant, while it was still significant on school engagement; (3) Not considering the role of values on future goals, intrinsic future goals were linked directly to more school engagement, and this link was mediated by more internalized learning motivation, while extrinsic future goals were linked directly to fewer school engagement, and this link was mediated by more externalized learning motivation. The results of this study revealed that values had greater influence on academic development than future goals did, and the results implicated that career education should pay more attention to values education.
      The Relation between Psychological Capital and Academic Achievement among Junior High School Students: The Mediating Effects of Self-Control and the Moderating Effects of Gratitude
      CHEN Xiuzhu, LI Huaiyu, CHEN Jun, YANG Jingyu, HUANG Lijun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  76-84.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.09
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      The present study constructs a moderated mediation model to examine whether self-control mediated the relation between psychological capital and academic achievement among junior high school students, and whether this mediating process was moderated by gratitude.With questionnaire survey method, 1208 junior high school students completed questionnaire. The research tools include measures of psychological capital,academic achievement, self-control and gratitude. The results indicated that:(1) Psychological capital can not only directly affect the junior high school students' academic achievement, but also can indirectly influence academic achievement through self-control.That is,self-control plays a mediating role in the relation between psychological capital and academic achievement. (2) Gratitude moderated the mediated path through self-control, and this indirect effect is much stronger among junior high school students with high gratitude than those with lower gratitude.These findings have important theoretical and reference value to increase junior high school students' academic achievement.
      The Effect of 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism and Early Parenting Stress on Preschoolers' Behavioral Problems
      LIU Yapeng, DENG Huihua, ZHANG Minghao, ZHANG Guangzhen, LU Zuhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  85-94.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.10
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      Genetic (G) and environmental factors (E) play a critical role in the development of child behavioral problems. How G and E interact with each other is a hot topic in the field of child development. The present study aimed to explore how 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and maternal parenting stress interact with each other when impacting on child behavioral problems in China. 355 children and their parents participated in this study at the child age of 6 months. At 6 months old, maternal parenting stress, buccal cells from children, and demographic data were collected. 5-HTTLPR polymorphism was determined by polymerase chain reaction amplification. At 48 months old, the mother and father were invited again to report child behavioral problems, respectively. The results showed:(1) maternal parenting stress was positively linked with externalizing problems of boys with s/s and s/l genotypes, but not for boys with l/l genotype. This interaction was consisted with diathesis-stress model, indicating that the s/s and s/l genotypes were risk factors for boys to suffer from high parenting stress to have more externalizing problems; (2) maternal parenting stress was positively associated with internalizing problems of l/l-genotype girls, but not for s/s-and s/l-genotype girls. This interaction fit with diathesis-stress model, which indicated that the l/l genotype was a risk factor for girls to suffer from high parenting stress to have more internalizing problems.
      Patterns of Bullying Victimization among Adolescents in China: Based on Latent Profile Analysis
      XIE Jiashu, WEI Yumin, ZHU Zhuorong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  95-102.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.11
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      Objective:To explore possible patterns of bullying victimization among adolescents in China. Methods:By cluster sampling, Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale-Student(DBVS-S)、Patient Health Questionnaire-9(PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7(CAD-7)were administered to 3761 secondary school adolescents in Hunan Province.Latent profile analysis (LPA) was conducted on victimization by verbal, physical,social and cyber bullying. Results:(1) There are high degree of co-occurrence among four subtype of bullying victimization.Four latent classes were identified, including an all-type(traditional and cyber) bullying victimization class(1.5%),a traditional victimization class(3.9%),a mild traditional victimization class(14.9%),a non-victimization class(79.6%).(2) Males、junior high students、rural students and poor students were more likely to be all types of victims.(3) There was a graded relationship between the four latent classes and level of depression as well as anxiety.
      The Effect of Maternal Depression on Preschooler's Problem Behaviors: Mediating Effects of Maternal and Paternal Parenting Stress
      MA Xinyu, CHEN Fumei, XUAN Xin, WANG Yun, LI Yanfang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  103-111.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.12
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      Although maternal depression has been found a negative impact on children's development in many studies, the mechanism of maternal depression effect has not clear yet. At the present study, we focus on parenting stress, which has been proved exerting an important effect on children's development. In this study, we investigate the problem behaviors of 2222 Beijing preschoolers from 75 kindergartens aged 3 to 5, and depression of their mothers, parenting stress of both mothers and fathers. Structural equation modeling was used to test the mediating role of parenting stress. Results showed (1) Maternal depression can predict the internal and external problem behaviors. (2) Maternal not only directly, but also indirectly predicts the internal problem behaviors of preschooler through two paths, which are maternal parenting stress and maternal parenting stress——paternal stress. (3) Maternal depression also indirectly predicts the external problem behaviors of preschooler through two paths, which are maternal parenting stress and maternal parenting stress——paternal stress, but no direct effect has been found. Parenting stress mediates the effect of maternal depression on preschoolers' internal and external problem behaviors.
      Online Parent-adolescent Communication and Depression among Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Online Social Capital and Its Gender Difference
      CHAI Huanyou, CHEN Chunyu, DUAN Changying, ZHU Caifeng, SUN Xiaojun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  112-120.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.13
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      A sample of 549 adolescents was investigated with questionnaires to examine the effect of online parent-adolescent communication on depression, and explore the mediating effect of online social capital as well as the moderating effect of age. Results revealed that:(1) After controlling for age, gender and offline parent-adolescent communication, online parent-adolescent communication significantly negatively predicted adolescents' depression. (2) online social capital fully mediated the relationship between online parent-adolescent communication and adolescents' depression. (3) the mediating effect of online social capital was positively moderated by age. Compared to early adolescents, the mediating effect was more profound in middle adolescents. These findings contribute to a comprehensive interpretation of the effect of online parent-adolescent communication on adolescents' depression and its mechanism.
      Fear of Negative Evaluation On Social Anxiety: Base On Cognitive Behavioral Model of Social Anxiety Disorder
      PENG Shun, WANG Xia, NIU Gengfeng, ZHANG Hongpo, HU Xiangen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(1):  121-128.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.01.14
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      The present study investigated the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and social anxiety, proposed a moderated mediation model, and examined the mediation effect of intolerance of uncertainty and the moderation effect of interdependent self-construal.With random sampling method, 424 college students completed questionnaire measures of fear of negative evaluation, intolerance of uncertainty, interdependent self-construal and social anxiety disorder. The results indicated that:(1) The fear of negative evaluation has a positive effect on social anxiety. (2) The positive association between fear of negative evaluation and social anxiety was mediated by intolerance of uncertainty. (3) The mediation effect of intolerance of uncertainty was moderated by interdependent self-construal. The indirect effect was stronger for adolescents with high interdependent self-construal than for those with low interdependent self-construal. Thus,both mediation and moderation effects exist in the association between fear of negative evaluation and social anxiety disorder.