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    15 May 2016, Volume 32 Issue 3
    • Social Comparison's Effects on Cognitive and Affective Trust in Middle School Students
      XU Fen, ZHOU Xiaoyu, MA Fengling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  257-264.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.01
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      The present study investigated the social comparison's effects on cognitive and affective trust of middle school students who were in different friendship states, and to further analyze the mediation effects of the cognitive and affective trust in the relationship between social comparison and intimacy change in friendship. 522 valid participants (Mage=12.87, SD=0.67) nominated one most intimate friend at the beginning of term. After midterm examination, we asked subjects to compare their own class rankings with their nominated friends' class rankings in a 7-level ladder. Then subjects rated their cognitive and affective trust to their nominated friends in a 7-point Likert scale. Finally, subjects reevaluated the intimacy of their nominated friends. The results show that:compared to upward comparison, subjects who compared downward, had higher affective trust to their close friends (the second intimacy did not change); Social comparison had no effect on cognitive trust. Compared to downward comparison, subjects who compared upward had higher affective and cognitive trust to their ordinary friends (the second intimacy decreased). The mediation analyses indicated that only cognitive trust fully mediated the relationship between social comparison and intimacy change in friendship, compared to downward comparison, upward comparison had an indirect positive effect on friendship intimacy through cognitive trust.
      The Relationships between Mastery Motivation,Temperament and Competence of Young Children
      LIU Shuang, SUN Yang, ZHANG Xiangkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  265-275.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.02
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      Fifty-one typically developing children participated in the assessment of mastery motivation using the Dimension of Mastery Questionnaire by their parents, competence using the School Readiness Test Battery-Comprehensive Version by experimenters and temperament using the Questionnaire of Temperament for Children Aged 3-9 by teachers. Hierarchical regressions were employed to analyze the moderating effect of temperament in motivation-competence relations. The results showed that (1) the moderating effect of Activity-Attention was significant. For children of Attention Type, higher object-oriented mastery motivation predicted higher levels of fine motor and approaches to learning, and higher gross motor mastery motivation predicted higher levels of sensory motor, whereas these relations were not significant for children of Activity Type. (2) The moderation effect of Reactivity-Inhibition was significant. For children of Reactivity Type, higher social mastery motivation with children predicted higher levels of fine motor. In turn, for children of Inhibition Type, higher social mastery motivation with children predicted lower levels of fine motor, sensory motor, and approaches to learning.
      Effect of Maternal Stress on Preschoolers' Creative Personality: The Mediating Role of Mothers' Parenting Styles
      SHU Zeng, HE Qiong, LI Xiaomin, ZHANG Jing, ZHANG Yuehan, FANG Xiaoyi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  276-284.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.03
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      This study investigated the relationships between maternal stress, mothers' parenting styles and preschool children's creative personality. The Creativity Assessment Packet(CAP), the Parental Stress Scale(PSS), and Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire(PSDQ) were administered to 331 mothers of preschoolers aged 4-6. Results showed that (1) The scores of preschoolers' creativity personality were at medium level and significantly correlated with age and SES. (2) Maternal stress and authoritarian parenting style were significantly negative correlated with preschoolers' creativity personality. And there was a significant positive relationship between authoritative parenting style and preschoolers' creative personality. (3) Structural equation analysis showed authoritative parenting style partly mediated the relationship between maternal stress and preschoolers' creativity when SES and children's age were controlled.
      Cross-group Friendships and Intergroup Attitudes Among Adolescents
      CHEN Xiaochen, JIANG Wei, SHI Kan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  285-293.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.04
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      The current study examined friendship selection patterns among different groups (i.e., local and immigrant) of adolescents, the link between cross-group friendships and intergroup attitudes, and the mediation role of intergroup anxiety in attitude change. 905 middle school students participated in the study. Measures of friendship (quantity and quality), intergroup attitudes (affect and cognitive) and intergroup anxiety were assessed. Results indicated that:(1) Cross-group friendships were common in school settings, while some immigrant students showed own-group preference when choosing friends; (2) Cross-group friendships were related to better intergroup attitudes, and this friendship effect was only found among immigrant students; (3) Intergroup anxiety mediated the link between cross-group friendships and intergroup attitudes.
      The Effect of Self-presentation in Online Social Networking Sites on Adolescents' Friendship Quality: The mediating Role of Positive Feedback
      CUI Xixi, SUN Xiaojun, NIU Gengfeng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  294-300.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.05
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      With the development of the Internet, social networking sites become a new field of online activity and new media of social interaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among self-presentation in social networking sites, positive feedback and friendship quality. Questionnaires were completed among 817 middle school students from Wuhan aged 10-19423 male and 366 female. We used process written by Andrew F. Hayes (2012) to test mediation effect of positive feedback on the relationship between self-presentation and friendship quality. The results indicated that:(1) positive self-presentation and honest self-presentation were significantly positively related to positive feedback and friendship quality. (2) In social networking sites, honest self-presentation not only directly positively predicted adolescents' friendship quality, but also had an indirect effect on friendship quality through positive feedback; while positive self-presentation only had an indirect effect on friendship quality through positive feedback.
      The Relationship between Single Parents' Sex-role Types and Children's Social Adaptation: the Mediating Role of Child-rearing Sex-role Attitude
      CHEN Yijun, SHEN Yifeng, ZHANG Hailun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  301-309.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.06
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      Under the help of the Suzhou Municipal Women's Federation and staffs of community and street office, this research used purposive sampling in Suzhou area and selected 458 single parent families. Structural equation modeling was used to explore the relations among single parents' sex-role types, child-rearing sex-role attitude and children's social adaptation, and to identify the mediating role of child-rearing sex-role attitude. The results indicated that:(1) Most single parents are in androgynous; child-rearing sex-role attitude of single parents were in upper middle level, and social adaptation of children from single-parent families were in upper middle level. There were significant differences among children's social adaptation varied by demographic variables, and furthermore registered residence and sex-role types interacted significantly in social adaptation.(2) Undifferentiated and feminine was significantly negatively correlated with social adaptation; undifferentiated was significantly negatively correlated with child-rearing sex-role attitude; and child-rearing sex-role attitude partly played mediation effect between sex-role types and social adaptation.
      The Similarity Effect and the Cognitive Processing Depth Effect of Learning Correct and Incorrect Worked Examples Combination
      CAI Chen, QU Kejia, ZHANG Hua, ZHANG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  310-316.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.07
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      Many middle school students often took place a variety of mistakes in learning objects force analysis rules. On the basis of analyzed for previously experimental material and results, the authors proposed assumption that correct and incorrect objects force analysis maps combination were more similarity and the student's cognitive processing for the incorrect objects force analysis was more depth, the learning effect might been more better. In order to examine above the hypothesis, they took place two experiments as follows:In the first experiment, three kinds of the combinations of correct and incorrect objects force analysis map were designed that were high similarity, low similarity and no similarity. 90ninth grade students were divided three groups and separately learned one kind of the combination. The results showed that the high similarity group's learning transfer scores significantly better than the low similarity group and no similarity group.In the second experiment, 180ninth grade students were divided six groups and separately were engaged in different cognitive processing for the incorrect objects force analysis map in high similarity and low similarity combinations. The results showed that the learning transfer scores of "error correction" was significantly better than"error discern".The results of two experiments showed that there were the similarity effect and cognitive processing depth effect in learning correct and incorrect worked examples combination.
      Self-Efficacy Mediate the Association between Social Support and Learning Persistence in Middle School Students in Mathematics
      ZHUANG Hongjuan, LIU Rude, LIU Ying, WANG Jia, ZHEN Rui, XU Le
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  317-323.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.08
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      The current study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of mathematics self-efficacy on the relationship between social support and learning persistence among 228 middle school students in mathematic. The results showed that:(1) Social support, especially teachers' support and friends' support significantly predicted the level of learning persistence. (2) Mathematics self-efficacy was proved to fully mediate the association between friends' support and learning persistence, and partly mediate the relationship between teachers' support and learning persistence.
      The Influences of Working Memory Capacity and Content Relevance on Category Learning
      XING Qiang, XIA Jingjing, WANG Caiyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  324-329.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.09
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      Category learning is a process in which human beings classify perceptual simulations and acquire category knowledge by classification learning. 2(working memory capacity:high, low)×4(content relevance:direction, width, brightness, control) between-subject experiment were designed to explore the effects of working memory capacity and content relevance on category learning by two experiments.The results showed that:(1) Only under the condition of high capacity, focusing on the related dimensions can improve the classification performance in the rule-based category learning; (2) no matter what the working capacity is high or low, it can receive better classification performance if participants focus on the related dimensions of the information-integration category learning.
      Effects of Student's Academic Achievement and Perceived Control of Teachers on Teachers' Differential Behavior
      LIAO Shuirong, LU Yongli, CHEN Lingzhi, NIE Jingwen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  330-338.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.10
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      A research with a group sample of 651 sixth grade students and 21 class teachers was conducted to examine the impact of the academic achievement of students and the perceived control of teachers on the differential behavior of teachers, and to discuss the mediating effect of the perceived control of teachers, and the gender difference of this mediating effect. The result demonstrated (1) more positive behavior of teachers were reported by girls, while more negative behavior by boys; (2) when students gender and school were controlled, student's academic achievement could significantly predict dimensions teacher's differential behavior, such as opportunity and privilege, direction and control, and emotional support, and teachers' perceived control could predict dimensions such as opportunity and privilege, direction and control, negative feedback, and emotional support; (3) the mediating effect of teacher's perceived control existed between student's academic achievement and teacher's differential behavior; (4) a gender difference in the mediating effect of teacher's perceived control existed:a full mediation was found in boys and a partial mediation in girls. The possible mechanisms and implications of such mediating effect were also discussed.
      The Effect of Friendship Network in Class on College Students' Depression: A Social Network Analysis
      YOU Zhiqi, ZHANG Fengjuan, FAN Cuiying, PING Fan, ZHOU Zongkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  339-348.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.11
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      Using social network analysis approach, the current study was investigate the predictive power of depressive friends in class on the chance of college students becoming depression. The present study hypothesizes were tested using data from 73 classes composed of 3034 individuals. The main findings were as follows:(1) The quantity of mutual friends had negative predictive power on depression.(2) There was no difference between the students who's had at least one depressive mutual friend and the students whose mutual friends are all no depression. (3) The quantity of depressive friends who nominated or be nominated by a person had significant positive predictive power on a person's chance of becoming depression. This association extended up to two degrees of separation (to one's friends' friends). (4) The quantity of same-sex depressive friends had significant positive predictive power on a person's chance of becoming depression, and there was no significant predictive power of cross-sex depression friends on a person's chance of becoming depression.
      The Relationships between Positive Peer Pressure and Self-Esteem and Various Risk-Taking Behaviors of Adolescents
      TIAN Lumei, XIA Dayong, LI Yongmei, SHAN Nan, LIU Xiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  349-357.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.12
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      Based on problem-behavior theory, the present study carried out a series of questionnaires answered by 689 teenager students in a general high school and a secondary vocational school in order to explore the relationships between positive peer pressure and self-esteem and various risk-taking behaviors of adolescents, and their differences between schools as well. As the results showed, 1) compared with high school students, adolescents of the secondary vocational school perceived more positive peer pressure and reported more risk-taking behaviors; 2) the relationship between positive peer pressure and maladaptive risk-taking behaviors of adolescents was not obvious in either school, whereas the association of positive peer pressure with socially acceptable risk-taking behaviors was positive and significant among high school students; 3) adolescents' self-esteem was negatively associated with their maladaptive risk-taking behaviors in either school significantly, while it was obviously only positively linked to socially acceptable risk-taking behaviors among high school students; 4) self-esteem only strengthened the relationship between high school students' positive peer pressure and their socially acceptable risk-taking behaviors in that high self-esteem increased the socially acceptable behaviors among high positive peer pressure students; but it couldn't moderate the relationship between adolescents' positive peer pressure and maladaptive risk-raking behavior in either school.
      Perceived School Climate and Internet Gaming Disorder Among Junior Middle School Students: The Mediating Role of Academic Self-efficacy and The Moderating Role of Parental Academic Involvement
      BAO Xuefeng, ZHANG Wei, YU Chengfu, ZHU Jianjun, BAO Zhenzhou, JANG Yanping, MA Na, WU Tao, CHEN Zunbing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  358-368.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.13
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      The present study investigated the relationship between perceived school climate and adolescents' internet gaming disorder (IGD), and the mediating effect of academic self-efficacy as well as the moderating effect of parental academic involvement. The perceived school climate scale, academic self-efficacy scale, parental academic involvement questionnaire and internet gaming disorder questionnaire were administered to 462 adolescents (Mean age=13.02, male=207) from junior middle school in Guangdong province. The results indicated that:(1) perceived school climate negatively predicted IGD; (2) the relationship between perceived school climate and IGD was partially mediated by academic self-efficacy; (3) This indirect link was stronger for adolescents with high parental academic involvement than for those with low parental academic involvement.
      Perceived Discrimination and Positive/Negative Emotion of Left-Behind Children: The Protective Role of Parent-Child Cohesion
      ZHAO Jingxin, YANG Ping, MA Jinling, HUANG Cuicui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  369-376.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.14
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      A total of 1235 left-behind children were recruited from a rural area in Shandong province, including 378 children from two-parent-migrant families and 803 children from father-migrant families. These children completed a self-report assessment on investigating relationships between perceived discrimination and children's positive/negative emotion, examining the moderating role of parent-child cohesionin the relationships, and revealing the possible gender differences. Results showed that:(1)perceived discrimination was positively associated with children's negative emotion and negatively associated with children's positive emotion; (2) higher level of children's father-child cohesion predicted lower scores of negative emotion and higher scores of positive emotion; higher level of mother-child cohesion could predicted higher scores of all children's positive emotion; (3) mother-child cohesion moderated the relationship between perceived discrimination and two-parent migrant children's positive/negative emotion:high level of mother-child cohesion could buffer the deleterious effect of perceived discrimination to positive emotion, and the intensive effect of perceived discrimination to negative emotion; (4) mother-child cohesion moderated the relationship between perceived discrimination and father migrant children's positive/negative emotion, and the moderating effect varied according to the gender.
      The Relationship between Interparental Conflict and Adolescents' Self-injury: A Moderate Mediation Model
      WANG Yulong, QIN Yalan, XIAO Can, LIN Xiuyun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(3):  377-384.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.03.15
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      Based on emotional security theory, this study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine whether emotional security mediated the relation between interparental conflict and adolescents' self-injury, and whether this mediating process was moderated by the Regulatory Emotional self-efficacy. Based on cluster sampling, 2800 middle school students were recruited to participate in this study. The study indicated that:(1) among the participants, the percentage of self-injury behavior is 41.49%, the level of self-injury has relations with grade, school type and whether one child or more; (2) interparental conflict significantly positively predicted the level of adolescents' self-injury, the emotional insecurity played a partial mediating role between the interparental conflict and adolescents' self-injury; (3) the mediation of emotional insecurity was significantly negatively moderated by perceived self-efficacy in managing negative effect. In the term of low perceived self-efficacy in managing negative effect,the mediating of emotional insecurity between the interparental conflict and adolescents' self-injury is significant.