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    15 March 2014, Volume 30 Issue 2
    • Understanding of Lies and its Relation to the Understanding of Self and Others’ False Belief in Children With and Without Autism
      GULNUR Azat, SU Yan-jie, YU Wen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  113-120. 
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      Children with autism are described to have impairments in theory of mind development and may have difficulties in understanding lies. This study compared children with autism to typically developed and intellectually disabled children on whether they can judge deceptive behavior, discriminate lies from truth, and understand its deceptive intentions. 19 autistic, 20 typically developed and 19 intellectually disabled children undertook two lie identification tasks which were situated in politeness situations. The deceptive messages were presented in two conditions: verbal and nonverbal. We found autistic children showed more difficulties in the recognition of real messages and understanding deceptive intentions, while the judgment of deceptive behavior remained intact. Their recognition of real messages were related with understanding of others' false belief, meanwhile having a diminished awareness of their own false belief, may be associated with diminution in understanding intentions. And the effect of presentation conditions to be insignificant.
      Fathers’ Involvement and Children’s Delay of Gratification:the Moderating Role of Gender
      NIE Jin-wen, LU Yong-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  121-128. 
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      The study investigated the association between fathers' involvement with children's delay of gratification under the condition of mothers' involvement and children's age to be controlled, as well as the moderating role of gender between them. 92 healthy children aged between 35 to 74 months were measured with waiting paradigm for delay of gratification. Their parents were measured with Father Involvement Questionnaire and Mother involvement Questionnaire for father's involvement and mother's involvement respectively. The results showed that: (1) three aspects of fathers' involvement——interaction, accessibility and responsibility——significantly predicted children's delay of gratification; (2) gender played a moderating role between fathers' involvement and children's delay of gratification in that for boys, fathers' interaction and responsibility significantly predicted the delay of gratification, whereas for girls, no moderating effect was observed.
      Parent-child Communication and Perceived Well-being:The Mediating Effects of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction among Rural Children in China
      GUO Hai-ying, ZHU Wan-ling, ZHU Qian, ZHU Mao-ling, ZUO Pei-ying, LIN Dan-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  129-136. 
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      The current study aims to examine the relationship between parent-child communication, basic psychological needs satisfaction and well-being. A sample of 1164 rural children from Guangxi province was recruited to participate in the study. Participants were asked to fill in the Parent-child Communication Scale, Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale in General Scale and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire-Short Scale. The results revealed that: (1) Significant gender and grade differences were found in parent-child communication. Specifically, 5th and 7th girls communicated with their fathers more openly than 8th girls, while this difference was not found in boys; (2) Both parent-child communication and basic psychological needs satisfaction were significantly positively related to rural children's perceived well-being. (3) Parent-child communication could directly predict children's perceived well-being. Meanwhile, three basic psychological needs satisfaction partially mediated the effect of parent-child communication on well-being, and relatedness had biggest mediation effect size of all. This result indicated that parent-child communication and basic psychological needs satisfaction are important influencing factors associated with children's perceived well-being, which could serve as significant components in future intervention study.
      The Impact of Perceived Discrimination on Chinese Migrant Children’s Social Integration:Mediator Mechanisms And Moderator Effect of Self-esteem
      HAO Zhen, CUI Li-juan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  137-144. 
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      The research chooses 437 migrant children in Shanghai as subjects, using scale to study the influencing factors and medial mechanism in the process of migrant children's social integration. The result indicates: (1) as a risk factor, perceived discrimination has a negative effect on the migrant children's social integration (their life satisfaction and identity fusion); (2) Group permeability has mediating effect in migrant children's perceived discrimination and social integration,and perceived discrimination has both direct negative impact on social integration and indirect impact through group permeability; (3) Self-esteem can adjust the mediating effect of group permeability, whose impact rises as the level self-esteem does. Thus group permeability has adjustable mediating effect on the social integration of migrant children.
      Influences of Parental Attachment on College Students’ Ego Identity Statuses:the Mediating Effect of Separation-Individuation
      WANG Shu-qing, ZHANG Guang-zhen, CHEN Hui-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  145-152. 
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      This study investigated the relations among parental attachment, separation-individuation and ego identity status in university students. 1131 university students from freshman to senior participated in the questionnaire investigation. The structural equation model was applied to analyze the mediating effects in this study. The results indicated that: (1) Secure parental attachment had strongly positive effect on the positive separation-individuation, and negative effect on the negative separation-individuation. (2) The relations between parental attachment and ego identity statuses were mediated by positive and negative separation-individuation, except that parental attachment had the directly positive effect on the ego foreclosure status. So, the conjoint between parental attachment and separation-individuation formed the healthy parent-adolescent relation context, which helped the ego identity achievement.
      A Positive Impact of Worked Examples Designed by “The Method of Explained” on Pupils’ Learning New Operational Rules
      ZHANG Qi, ZHENG Wei, WAN Ying
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  153-159. 
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      In order to verify the positive impact of worked-examples designed by "the method of explained", the experiment investigated the transfer effects of learning through the worked-examples designed by "the method of explained" and ordinary worked-examples as well as the worked-examples designed by "the method of explained" and "the method of explained and labeled" and ordinary worked-examples of 4th grade pupils. The results showed: (1) the near-transfer achievements on learning fractional addition and subtraction operation rules through worked-examples designed by "the method of explained" were significantly better than those through ordinary worked-examples, but there was no significant difference between them on the far-transfer achievements. (2) The far-transfer achievements on learning fractional multiplication and division operation rules through worked-examples designed by "the method of explained and labeled" were significantly better than those designed by "the method of explained" and ordinary worked-examples, but there was no significant difference between them on the near-transfer achievements;both the far-transfer and near-transfer achievements through worked-examples designed by "the method of explained" were much better than those through ordinary worked-examples. (3)Both the far-transfer and near-transfer achievements on proportion operation through worked-examples designed by "method of explained" were significantly better than those through ordinary worked-examples. The achievements were impacted by the subjects' prior knowledge.
      Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance:The Mediating Roles of Work-family enrichment and Active Behaviors
      HOU Min, JIANG Qi, CHEN Xiao, ZHU Meng-yin, YAN Xiu-feng, XIANG Ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  160-168. 
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      This study used data collected from a sample of 630 primary and secondary school teachers to explore the relations among emotional intelligence, work-family enrichment, active behaviors and job performance. Results of the latent structure equation modeling showed (1) significant positive correlations existed between emotional intelligence, work-to-family enrichment, family-to-work enrichment, active behaviors and job performance;(2) teacher's emotional intelligence could directly predict job performance, as well as family-to-work enrichment and active behaviors mediated the associations between teacher's emotional intelligence and job performance;(3) EI-specific models found some emotional intelligence differences among teachers. Family-to-work enrichment played a partly intermediary role in low emotional intelligence and job performance, while family-to-work enrichment and active behaviors completely mediated high emotional intelligence and job performance;(4) work-to-family enrichment didn't reveal a significant prediction on job performance.
      Interactive Influence of Impulsiveness and Parent-Adolescent Communication on Adolescents’ Internet Addiction
      DENG Lin-yuan, WU Yong-xin, KONG Rong, FANG Xiao-yi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  169-176. 
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      This study examines the interactive influence of impulsive personality and parent-adolescent communication on adolescents' Internet addiction through a questionnaire survey on 1610 students from Grade seven to twelve. The results show that: (1) Compared to non-addicts, Internet addicted adolescents have significant motor impulsiveness and non-planning impulsiveness, but worse communication with their father and mother; (2) there is significant positive correlation between three types of impulsiveness (motor, non-planning and attentional impulsiveness) and adolescents' Internet addiction, and significant negative correlation between mother-adolescent/father-adolescent communication and adolescents' Internet addiction; (3) motor impulsiveness and non-planning impulsiveness can positively predict adolescents' Internet addiction, while attentional impulsiveness can't; mother-adolescent communication can negatively predict adolescents' Internet addiction, while father-adolescent communication can't; (4) motor impulsiveness and mother-adolescent communication have interactive influence on adolescents' Internet addiction: for individuals with lower motor impulsiveness, mother-adolescent communication can negatively predict their Internet addiction significantly; for individuals with higher motor impulsiveness, mother-adolescent communication has the trend to positively predict their Internet addiction, but not significantly.
      The Effect of Perceived Stress and Online Social Support on the Relationship Between Cyber-victimization and Depression Among Adolescents
      HU Yang, FAN Cui-ying, ZHANG Feng-juan, XIE Xiao-chun, HAO En-he
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  177-184. 
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      Prior researches revealed the positive relation between cyber-victimization and depression among adolescents. However, it was less known about the mechanisms underlying the relation between cyber-victimization and depression. Based on the buffering effect model of social support, this study examined a moderated mediation model which integrated the mediating effect of perceived stress and the moderating effect of online social support between cyber-victimization and perceived stress, as well as between perceived stress and depression. A sample of 751 junior high school students completed the E-Victimization Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Online Social Support Questionnaire and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. The results showed that: (1) Cyber-victimization was positively associated with adolescents' depression; (2) Perceived stress could fully mediate the relation between cyber-victimization and depression; (3) Online social support moderated the association between perceived stress which aroused by cyber-victimization and depression. With online social support increasing, the negative effect of perceived stress on adolescents' depression reduced, and this result provided substantial evidence that the buffering effect model of social support was also applicable to online social support in the cyber space. Thus, both mediating and moderating effects existed in the association between cyber-victimization and depression among adolescents.
      The Impact of Violent Media on Aggression——The Role of Normative Belief and Empathy
      DUAN Dong-yuan, ZHANG Xue-min, WEI Liu-qing, ZHOU Yi-bin, LIU Chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  185-192. 
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      Given its accessibility and wide influence on youth, media violence has become a controversial topic. Abundant research has identified the influence of violent media on aggressive behavior, affirming that being deeply exposed to violent media in long term will increase aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive emotion and physical arousal, thus causing physiological desensitization. In the present study, normative beliefs and empathy are considered to explore the mechanism of how violent media impacts on aggression. Exposure to Violent Media Questionnaire, Aggression Questionnaire, Normative Beliefs about Aggression and Interpersonal Reactivity Index were administered to 680 college students from Beijing, Chengdu and Fuzhou, and 583 of whom provided valid data (280 males and 303 females). Regression analysis and structural equation modeling results were as follows: (1) violent media has significant impact on viewers' aggression and among all of the three types of media, violent video games have the greatest effect size; (2) results show that male subjects use violent media more frequently than female, score higher on normative beliefs about aggression and has more aggressive behaviors; (3) normative belief is not only a significant predictor of aggression, but also act as a mediator between exposure to violent media and aggression, and a mediator between empathy and aggression. Due to its significant effects on aggression, it is worthwhile to come up with policies aimed at changing viewers' normative beliefs about aggression.
      The Relationship Between Interpersonal Self-support Traits and Depression Among Undergraduate Students:The Mediating Role of Inerpersonal Coping
      ZHANG Ran-ran, XIA Ling-xiang, CHEN Yong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  193-199. 
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      Prior study suggested interpersonal self-support traits could negatively predict depression. Hence, in current study, we further hypothesize that the interpersonal self-support traits against depression is mediated by interpersonal coping. In order to test this hypothesis, the Interpersonal Self-Support Scale for Adolescent Students, Epidemiological Survey Depression Scale and Interpersonal Stress-coping Inventory were used in a sample of 362 undergrad-uate students. Results from the poortial correlation and structural equation modeling analyses revealed that even after controlling the gender, age, and major (1) the five traits of interpersonal self-support were positively related to positive coping style and were negatively associated with negative coping style and depression, (2) interpersonal independence, interpersonal initiative and interpersonal responsibility directly predicted depression, (3) the negative coping style played a mediating role in the relationship between interpersonal openness, interpersonal responsibility and depression. Thus, the hypothesized relational model was partly supported. In other words. interpersonal self-support traits resist depression through the mediating effect of negatiue intevpersonal coping.
      The Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Subjective Well-being in Primary School Teachers:the Mediating Role of Occupational Stress
      ZHANG Xi-chao, HU Jing, SONG Ji-dong, ZHANG Hong-chuan, ZHANG Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  200-207. 
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      The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between psychological capital and subjective well-being, and the possible mediating role of occupational stress between them.Questionnaires were distributed to school teachers in eight primary schools, and a total of 495 valid cases' data were collected. Amos 17.0 was employed to analyze the relationship among psychological capital, occupational stress, and subjective well-being. The results showed that elementary school teachers had a relative high level of psychological capital, male teachers obtained higher scores on the self-efficacy dimension compared with females, teachers with shorter job tenure had lower scores on the resilience dimension compared with those with longer job tenure. Primary school teachers' psychological capital was significantly negatively correlated their occupational stress, and positively correlated with their subjective well-being;their occupational stress was significantly negatively correlated with subjective well-being;and occupational stress partly mediated the relationship between psychological capital and subjective well-being.
      Neural Basis and Effects of Empathy on Prosocial Behaviors
      XIAO Feng-qiu, ZHENG Zhi-wei, CHEN Ying-he
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  208-215. 
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      The behaviors that benefit others, refered to as prosocial behaviors, are significant to evolution and reality. As one of the most important influential factors of prosocial behaviors, sympathy has been widely studied in the field of cognitive neuroscience. The activation of the insula is related to negatively emotional experience. The insula is the neural basis of emotional empathy which is beneficial for the generation of motivation of prosocial behaviors. In addition, the temporoparietal junction involves in understanding other people's intention, and it is the neural basis of cognitive empathy which is favorable for choosing efficacious way to help others. The gender differences in empathy-related neural basis provide new evidence for the different prosocial behavioral performance between males and females. Future research need to clarify the functional significance of the brain regions related to prosocial behaviors, to consider multiple factors simultaneously, and to combine with pathological studies.
      Review of the Application of Longitudinal Study Method in Psychological Researches in China
      TANG Wen-qing, FANG Jie, JIANG Xiang-mei, ZHANG Min-qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2014, 30(2):  216-224. 
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      To explore current situation and problems of application of longitudinal study method in psychological researches in China, this article reviewed 88 studies published in Chinese psychological journals or Ph.D. thesis and master's thesis, obtained from the methodological literature in CNKI database on longitudinal study method, since 1982 to 2012. The article focus on longitudinal study methods in application, design features and data analysis. Results of sample description revealed that, application of longitudinal method in psychological study grew slowly before 2005, then increased in a continuous growth trend, researches mainly explored development of people from birth to early adulthood. For design features, researchers tend to select panel study, most of the longitudinal studies design in two or three time point measurement, with samples range from 10 to 300, and no more than three years study duration. Of the 61 studies reporting attrition, 38 studies used deletion as missing data technique;the most commonly used methods in longitudinal data analysis is hierarchical linear model, repeated measures analysis of variance, t test and structural equation model. Problems of using longitudinal method lie in small number of measurement and sample, short study duration, serious data missing and relatively old analysis method using. Attention should be paid in two folds when using longitudinal methods, type and features of design should be determined by theoretical model and research effectiveness requiring;statistical methods and missing data methods should be selected according to data characteristics.