Psychological Development and Education ›› 2002, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 57-62.

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Effect of Selective attention and Insight on Classroom Information Perception of Primary School Teachers

ZHANG Xue-min, SHEN Ji-liang, LIN Chong-de   

  1. Beijing Normal University, School of Psychology, Beijing 100875
  • Online:2002-07-15 Published:2002-07-15

Abstract: Selective attention and insight are important cognitive ability of teachers' perception.Based on previous theoretical studies on teachers' expertise, the present study intended to explore How teachers' selective attention and insight influenced on processing speed and discriminat ion of classroom information.The results showed that, selective encoding and selective comparison had significant effect on processing speed of classroom information, and selective attention had significant effect on discrimination of classroom information.There was no significant effect of selective combination on processing speed and discrimination of classroom information.There was significant positive correlation between selective attention and selective encoding, selective combination, and selective comparison.

Key words: Selective attention, Insight, Competence of Classroom Information Processing

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