Psychological Development and Education ›› 2003, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 64-68.

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A Research of the Relationship Between Pretest anxiety, Acheivement Goal Orientation and test performance

LIU Hui-jun1,2, GUO De-jun1   

  1. 1. Psychology Department, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100089;
    2. Department of Applied Psychology, Heibei University, Baoding 0710002
  • Online:2003-04-15 Published:2003-04-15

Abstract: This study investigated 238 participants about their pretest anxiety,achievement goal orientions and entrance examination of university.Results by correlation analysis indicated that the students who will take part in entrance examination of university suffered from higher pretest anxiety than general people.And pretest anxiety had a significant negative relation with masterapproach goal,a significant active relations with masterawidance goal and performance-awidance goal.Results by regression analysis showed that masterapproach goal and masterawidance goal were predictors of state anxiety,and all four goal orientations were predictors of trait anxiety.Pretest anxiety had a significant negative correlation with total outcome and English performance of entrance examination of university.Achievement goal orientions only had a feeble relation with performance of entrance examination of university.

Key words: pretest anxiety, achievement goals, performance of examination

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