Psychological Development and Education ›› 2006, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 44-51.

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Prosocial Tendencies and Its Effect on School Adaptation among students in Yunnan Province

LIN Xiu-yun1, FANG Xiao-yi1, LI Hui2, LIU Chao-ying1, YANG Zhi-wen3   

  1. 1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Department of Education and Management, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650092;
    3. Department of Education, Baoshan, Normal College, Yunnan 678000
  • Online:2006-10-15 Published:2006-10-15

Abstract: In order to explore the prosocial tendencies' development and type's characteristic among the undergraduate, middle-school students,pupil in Yunnan Fmvince;and analyae the effect of prosocial tendencies on students' School Adaptation.Method:Selected the participants according to different layer randomly,then 3249 undergraduate and 9055 middle-school students and pupil were selected.Every student finished the Fmsocial Tendencies Measure(PMT) and Adaptation Scale.Result:The analysis showed that (1) The Prosocial tendencies were developing followed grade increasing,and there was significant different armng different type and gender student;(2) Public and Anonyrmus Tendencies were decreasing followed grade increasing,but Dire Tendencies was contrary.Dire Tendencies was number one among all of the six Fmsocial Tendencies.Alms,there was significant different among different type and gender student;(3) The development of Fmsocial tendencies in Yunnan Fmvince's students was higher than other place student totally,however, lower than them in Altruistic Tendencies;(4) Prosocial Tendencies could predict students' school adaptation,but less predict undergraduate.Conclusion:We should enhance education for students' Dire Tendencies,and bring the prosocial tendencies into play.

Key words: prosocial tendencies, development and characteristic, school adaptation

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