Psychological Development and Education ›› 2007, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 57-62.

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The Classification and Discriminate of School Adjustment

HUANG Ning, XIN Tao, LI Xiao-xia   

  1. Institute of psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Online:2007-04-15 Published:2007-04-15

Abstract: In the research, we selected 6579 students from grade 3 and grade 5, and used the tool of K-means cluster and discriminant analysis. The result showed:(1) According to school adjustment internal indications,the children could be classified four kinds:positive adjustment、leisure adjustment、tense adjustment and high risk.(2) The positive adjustment has the positive scores in achievement value, achievement motivation and metal health, and the negative score in problem behavior;The scores of high risk are absolutely opposite to the positive adjustment's. The leisure adjustment has the positive mental health, and the negative achievement motivation;The tense adjustment has the positive achievement motivation, but the negative mental health.(3) Establishing the discriminant function of children school adjustment will provide a primary diagnose for education and mental problem and will bring a new view for other correlative researches.

Key words: school adjustment, K-means cluster, discriminant analysis

CLC Number: 

  • G444
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