Psychological Development and Education ›› 2009, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2): 47-54.

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The Characters of Adolescent Self-consciousness and its Relationship with Social Adaptive Behavior

NIE Yan-gang1, DING Li2   

  1. 1. Department of psychology, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006;
    2. Guangzhou Nansha Middle School, Guangzhou 511458
  • Online:2009-04-15 Published:2009-04-15

Abstract: 439 students were investigated about their social adaptive behavior and self-consciousness.The relationship between social adaptive behavior and self-consciousness were explored.The results showed:(1) The adolescents.self-consciousness were at the upper-middle level in general.There was a significant difference in different grades,nor in genders.(2) Self-consciousness was a good predictor of adolescent adaptive behaviors,which could account for 13.50%-39.40% of variance in self-reported social well-adaptive behaviors and for 5.90%-14.90% of variance in selfreported social maladaptive behaviors.(3) Self-motion and morality appraisement were the strongest and steadiest predictors of well-adaptive behaviors and learning adaptive behavior.(4) In different grades,anxiety was the strongest and steadiest predictors of neurosis behavior; self-continence was the strongest and steadiest predictor of social maladaptive behavior.In the different gender samples,self2motion was the strongest and steadiest predictor of independence and economy.

Key words: adolescent, self-consciousness, social adaptive behavior, social maladaptive behavior

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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