Psychological Development and Education ›› 2009, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (4): 81-86.

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The Effects of Activation Level on Response Execution and Inhibition in Children of two ADHD Subtypes

JIN Ying1, LIU Xiang-ping1, ZHANG Wei2, LAN Yan-ting1   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. School of psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079
  • Online:2009-10-15 Published:2009-10-15

Abstract: A total of 48 primary school students(14 ADHD-C,16 ADHD-I and 18 mental normal children)were chosen. The study compared the different abilities of response execution and response inhibition between two ADHD subtypes children as well as compared these two subtypes with mentally normal children on different activation levels.The traditional goΠno2go task was administered at three levels of inter-stimulus interval of 1s,4s,and 8s.It was found as follow:(1)the ability of response execution of ADHD children was strongly dependent on the activation level,suggesting that they suffered from poor state regulation ability.The effects of activation level on response execution ability in two subtypes of ADHD were similar.The difference between ADHD and control children was smaller in the 1s condition than in the 4s and 8s conditions;(2)ADHD/C and ADHD/I had different models of deficits,ADHD/C suffered from state regulation disability and response inhibition deficit.Their response inhibition deficit was independent of activation level. ADHD/I only suffered from state regulation disability.

Key words: ADHD, subtype, activation, state regulation, response inhibition

CLC Number: 

  • G442
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