Psychological Development and Education ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 886-893.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.06.13

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Effects of Abuse and Neglect on Depression in Adolescents: The Roles of Self-esteem and Self-disclosure

GONG Yuhan, YE Yingying, ZHOU Xiao   

  1. Department of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058
  • Published:2024-11-13

Abstract: Childhood abuse and neglect were found to be related to more depression in adolescents. However, the specific mechanism of this relationship was not understood well. In light of the previous theoretical and empirical studies, this study inserted self-esteem and self-disclosure between abuse and neglect and depression, in order to examine the underlying mechanism of abuse and neglect to depression and elucidate the difference of mechanism underlying abuse and neglect affecting depression via self-esteem and-disclosure. Four thousand nine hundred and seventy-one adolescents were investigated by using the self-reported childhood trauma, self-esteem, self-disclosure, and depression questionnaires, and the structure equation model was used to carry out the data analysis. The results found that both the abuse and neglect had direct significant and positive effect on depression, had indirect significant and positive effect on depression via self-esteem and self-disclosure, respectively. Moreover, both abuse and neglect had a multiple indirect and positive effect on depression via the path from self-esteem to self-disclosure. However, the indirect effect of neglect on depression was stronger than that of abuse on depression. These findings suggested that the mechanism underlying abuse and neglect affecting depression was similar but not was in the effect size.

Key words: abuse, neglect, depression, self-esteem, self-disclosure

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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