Psychological Development and Education ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 68-76.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.01.08

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The Moderating Effect of Achievement Goal Orientation on the Relationship between Academic Self-concept and Academic Achievement: Based on Internal/External Reference of Frame Model

LIU Zhiguo, QI Bing, LI Yaping, WANG Runzhou, CUI Jia, SONG Yaowu   

  1. Education College of Hebei University, Baoding 071002
  • Published:2023-01-10

Abstract: To explore the moderating effect of achievement goal orientation on the relationship between academic self-concept and academic achievement. Chinese Academic Self-concept Scale, Mathematics Academic Self-concept Scale and Achievement Goal Orientation Scale were used to measure 1515 junior high school students. Results were as follows:(1) Junior middle school students' construction in Chinese and math self-concept conformed to the theoretical hypothesis of the internal-external reference model (I/EM); (2) Mastery avoidance had a moderating effect on the dimension comparison path of I/EM. Students with higher mastery avoidance scores were more susceptible to the dimension comparison effect, which was more obvious for students with relatively poor performance in Chinese and math; (3) Achievement avoidance had a moderating effect on the social comparison path I/EM. Students with higher score of achievement avoidance were less susceptible to the social comparison effect, which was more obvious for students with better performance in Chinese and math. This study reveals the differences in the process of constructing junior high school students' academic self-concept with different achievement goal orientation, which has certain practical significance for guiding junior high school students to construct positive academic self-concept.

Key words: academic self-concept, internal/external reference of frame model, achievement goal orientation, junior high school students

CLC Number: 

  • B442
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