Psychological Development and Education ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 244-253.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.11

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The Influence of Perceived Class Climate on Academic Engagement among Special Education Normal School Students: The Mediating Effects of Professional Identity and the Moderating Role of Future Orientation

CHEN Yirong1,2, WU Zhongliang1,3   

  1. 1. School of Education Science, Quanzhou Normal University, Quanzhou 362000;
    2. South China Institute for Teaching and Learning, China Association of Higher Education, Quanzhou 362000;
    3. School of Special Education, Quanzhou Normal University, Quanzhou 362000
  • Published:2022-03-24

Abstract: This study aims to explore relationship between perceived class climate and academic engagement among special education normal school students, and explore the mediating effects of professional identity,as well as the moderating role of future orientation, based on a survey of 582 special education normal school students with the Perceived Class Climate Scale,the Academic Engagement Scale,the Professional Identity Scale,and the Future Orientation Questionnaire.The results show the following:(1) perceived class climate could positively predict special education normal students' academic engagement;(2) perceived class climate influenced special education normal students' academic engagement directly and indirectly through professional identity;(3) future orientation moderated relationship between perceived class climate and special education normal students' academic engagement. Moreover,future orientation moderated the second half of mediation models, the relationship between professional identity and special education normal students' academic engagement. The current study not only enrich the theory of pre-vocational education of special education normal school student,but also provides new perspective for practice in improving educational quality of special education normal students.

Key words: special education normal school student, perceived class climate, professional identity, future orientation, academic engagement

CLC Number: 

  • G442
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