Psychological Development and Education ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 472-480.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.04.03

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The Effect of Face Clues on Real and Cartoon Face Memory of 4~6-year-olds

ZHENG Chenye1,2, HUANG Yan1,4, WANG Jingmei1,3, JIANG Cundui5, LU Yingjun1,3   

  1. 1. Institute of Child Study, Zhejiang Normal University, Hangzhou 310012;
    2. Zhejiang Beishan Kindergarten, Hangzhou 310000;
    3. Lab of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Hangzhou College for Preschool Education, Zhejiang Normal University, Hangzhou 310012;
    4. Shaoxing Qiujin Middle School, Shaoxing 312000;
    5. Hangzhou Binjiang District Platinum Coast Preschool Education Group, Hangzhou 310000
  • Published:2021-07-26

Abstract: A comparative study of memory clues between real face and cartoon face can deepen the understanding of children's face recognition mechanism. With paradigm of learning-recognition and stimuli of internal-clue-face, external-clue-face and whole face, the effect of clues on preschoolers' real and cartoon face memory was explored in the present study. The results showed that:(1) females' real face recognition was significantly better than cartoon face recognition; (2) males' cartoon face recognition was better than females'; (3) for real face, recognition of whole face was significantly better than internal-clue-face and external-clue-face; for cartoon face, recognition of external-clue-face was best, followed by whole face and then internal-clue-face; (4) recognition of external-clue-face and internal-clue-face increased by age, and 6-year-olds' were significantly better than 4-year-olds'. To sum up, there was difference in children's memory pattern of real face and cartoon face; face category, gender, face clue and age all influence preschoolers' face memory.

Key words: preschooler, real face, cartoon face, face clue, face memory

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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