Psychological Development and Education ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 734-742.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.12

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Relationship between Parent-child Relationship, Loneliness and Depression among the Left-behind Rural Children: Gratitude as a Mediator and a Moderator

FAN Zhiyu, WU Yan   

  1. School of Psychology, NortheastNormal University, Changchun 130024
  • Published:2020-11-20

Abstract: There are about 20.19 million rural left-behind children (LBC) live in a dilemma lacking parental nurturance and care in China, which results in their psychological inadaptation like loneliness and depression. To investigate the association among father-child relationship, mother-child relationship, loneliness, and depression as well as the mediation and moderation of gratitude among LBC, 424 LBC (200 boys) and 229 non-left-behind children (NLBC) (98 boys) were administered by parent-child relationship questionnaire, gratitude scale, loneliness scale and depression questionnaire. Results of this cross-sectional study shows: (1) In comparison to NLBC, LBC report higher loneliness, depression and exhibit greater disadvantages involving father-child relationship, mother-child relationship and gratitude; (2) After controlling for gender and grade, father-/ mother-child relationship have negative predictive effects on loneliness and depression for LBC/NLBC, and all of them are partially mediated by gratitude; (3) The gratitude moderates the effects of father-child relationship on loneliness and depression only for LBC, which prove that with the level of gratitude increasing, the inhibitory effects of father-child relationship on loneliness and depression enhance.

Key words: left-behind rural children, parent-child relationship, gratitude, loneliness, depression

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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