Psychological Development and Education ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 210-218.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.02.10

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The Associations of Parent-adolescent Relationship with Adolescent Risk-taking Behavior: A Moderated Mediating Model

LIU Lingling, TIAN Lumei, GUO Junjie   

  1. School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358
  • Published:2019-04-19

Abstract: To explore the mechanism of the relationship between parent-adolescent relationship and risk-taking behavior of adolescents, with a sample of 1275 7th~12th graders (mean age=14.96 years, SD=1.79) as participants. The participants completed the Network of Relationships, Peer Group Character Questionnaire and Adolescent Risk-Taking Behavior Questionnaire. It showed that (1) Parental support was significantly and negatively related to parent-adolescent conflict, deviant peer affiliation and adolescents risk-taking behavior; parent-adolescent conflict was significantly and positively related to deviant peer affiliation and adolescents risk-taking behavior; deviant peer affiliation was significantly and positively linked with adolescents risk-taking behavior; (2)Parental support was negatively correlated with risk-taking behavior; parent-adolescent conflict was positively correlated with risk-taking behavior; and deviant peer affiliation mediated the relationship between parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent risk-taking behavior. (3) Deviant peer affiliation played a mediating role on the effect of parent-child conflict on adolescent risk-taking behavior, and the second half of the mediation process was moderated by gender. Specifically, compared with girls, boys with delinquent peers would participate in more risk-taking behaviors. It suggests that negative parent-adolescent relationship and deviant peer affiliation are key predictors of risk-taking behavior and that deviant peer affiliation plays an important mediating role in the association of negative parent-adolescent relationship with adolescent risk-taking behavior. In addition, there are gender differences in this process. When teenagers have more parent-adolescent conflict, we should pay more attention to the peer relationships among male adolescents.

Key words: parent-adolescent relationship, deviant peer affiliation, risk-taking behavior, adolescent

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