Psychological Development and Education ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 577-584.

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The Role of Child Affectivity on Parenting Style at Toddlerhood

ZHU Ying, LIU Ya-peng, ZHANG Guang-zhen, ZHANG Yin-ping, LIANG Zong-bao, YE Ming, DENG Hui-hua   

  1. Key Laboratory of Child Development and Learning Science, Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
  • Online:2014-11-15 Published:2014-11-15

Abstract: Using a longitudinal design and hierarchical regression analysis, the present study aimed to investigate how early child emotionality (distress to limitations, fear, smiling and laughter) influenced parental parenting styles at the child age of 24 months and meanwhile to examine whether the influences would vary with child age. Participants in the present study consisted of a total of 281 children and their parents. The results showed that children's distress to limitations both at child age of 6 and 14 months could positively predict maternal harsh parenting style at toddlerhood, and fear at 14 months old could positively predict maternal concern/ protection, and smiling and laughter could positively predict maternal acceptance and negatively maternal harsh and concern/protection. Distress to limitations of children aged 6 months could positively predict paternal harsh and concern/ protection at toddlerhood and of children aged 14 months could still positively predict paternal harsh parenting.

Key words: affectivity, distress to limitations, fear, smiling and laughter, parenting

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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