Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 255-259.

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The Characteristics of Implicit Theory of Intelligence of Children in Higher Grader of Primary School and the Effects of Praise On it

XING Shu-fen1,3, YU Guo-liang2, LIN Chong-de3   

  1. 1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition and Department of Psychology, Capital Normal University 100048, China;
    2. Institute of Psychology, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872;
    3. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University 100875, China
  • Online:2011-05-15 Published:2011-05-15

Abstract: With 101 children of 5th-grade students as subjects,the experimental study explored the characteristics of the development of implicit theory of intelligence and the influences of praise on it.The results were:(a) All children in three different conditions endorsed an incremental theory of intelligence,indicating children in higher grader of primary school in our country emphasized the plasticity of intelligence; children in the control condition rated effort more important than ability,indicating children in higher grader of primary school considered effort more important for our achievement; (b) The degree to which the groups endorsed an entity theory of intelligence showed significant differences among the children in the three conditions,children that praised for ability more inclined to consider intelligence as an fixed、uncontrollable trait.

Key words: praise, implicit theory of intelligence, ability, effort

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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