Psychological Development and Education ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 550-558.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.04.11

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Teacher-student Relationship on Class Level Moderated the Relation between Students' Anti-bullying Attitudes and Bullying Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis

YU Yida, PAN Bin, MIAO Xinyu, CHEN Guanghui   

  1. School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014
  • Published:2023-07-19

Abstract: In a sample of 1725 students in 46 classes from fifth to eighth grade (940 boys and 785 girls, Mage= 12.78, SDage = 1.14), multilevel model was used to explore the association between students' anti-bullying attitudes and bullying behavior, as well as the moderating effects of individual-level and classroom-level teacher-student relationship. The multilevel models revealed that students' anti-bullying attitudes were negatively associated with peer-reported bullying behavior; perceived teacher-student relationship was negatively associated with peer-reported bullying behavior; and classroom-level teacher-student relationship moderated the association between students' anti-bullying attitudes and bullying behavior. Specifically, the negative association between students' anti-bullying attitudes and bullying was stronger in the classrooms where teachers had better relationship (warm and trustworthy) with students. In the classrooms where teachers had bad relationship with students, however, there were no significant association between students' anti-bullying attitudes and bullying. These results indicated that the effectiveness of bullying prevention and intervention should not only aim to improve anti-bullying attitudes of students, but also for teachers to create positive teacher-student relationship with whole classes.

Key words: anti-bullying attitudes, bullying behavior, teacher-student relationship, multilevel models

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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